ow To Show Subject Above/Below Sender In Mail List In Outlook?

Normally in the compact view of a mail folder in Microsoft Outlook, it displays the sender and the subject of each email in the proper order. However, the senders and subjects show in different orders sometimes, for example the subject shows above the sender. See screen shot below. Here I will show you a way to show the subject above or below the senders in mails list in Microsoft Outlook.

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To show the subject below or above the sender of each email in the mail list, please do as following:

Step 1: Shift to the Mail view, and open the mail folder that you will show the subjects below or above the senders.

Step 2: Display the mail folder in the Compact view:

  1. In Outlook 2010 and 2013, please click the Change View > Compact on the View tab.
  2. In Outlook 2007, please click the View > Current View > Messages.

Step 3: Change the view settings of current mail folder:

  1. In Outlook 2010 and 2013, please click the View Settings button on the View tab;
  2. In Outlook 2007, please click the View Current View > Customize current view.

Step 4: In the popping up Advanced View Settings: Compact dialog box, please click the Columns button (or Fields button in Outlook 2007).

Step 5: Now in the Show Columns dialog box, go to the Show these columns in this order: box, and:

If you want to show the subjects below the senders in the mail list, firstly click to highlight the Subject, next click the Move Downbutton and move the Subject below the From, and then click the OK button.

If you want to show the subjects above the senders in the mail list, firstly click to highlight the Subject, next click the Move Up button and move the Subject above the From, and at last click the OK button.

Step 6: Click the OK button to exit the Advanced View Settings: Compact dialog box.
Note: By default, the subjects are below the senders in the mail list in the Compact view.

Therefore, if you want to show the subjects below senders, you can easily click the Reset View button on the View tab in Outlook 2010 and 2013. Please note that this method will also clear all customized view settings in the mail folder. Click to know more about restoring view

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