2014-05-04 00:10



Write a function return an integer that satisfies the following conditions:
) positive integer
) no repeated digits, eg., (valid), (invalid)
) incremental digit sequence, eg., (valid) (invalid)
) the returned integer MUST be the smallest one that greater than the input. eg., input=, return= function signature could be like this:
String nextInteger(String input)

题目:请设计一个函数nextInteger(),以字符串形式的整数为输入,返回一个字符串形式的整数。要去这个整数:1. 是正整数 2. 任何数位的数字不能相同 3. 各个数位由高到低必须严格递增 4. 输出的数字必须是满足上述三条件并且比输入数大最小的数。其实用英语描述,一个“next”就表达这个意思了。



 // http://www.careercup.com/question?id=4857362737266688
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; class Solution {
Solution() {
}; string nextInteger(string input) {
int n1, n2;
vector<int>::iterator it;
stringstream ss; ss << input;
ss >> n1;
it = upper_bound(arr.begin(), arr.end(), n1);
if (it == arr.end()) {
n2 = n1;
} else {
n2 = *it;
} string output = to_string(n2); return output;
vector<int> arr; void generateNumbers() {
queue<int> q;
int n, n1;
int i, d; arr.push_back();
while (!q.empty()) {
n = q.front();
d = n % ;
for (i = d + ; i <= ; ++i) {
n1 = n * + i;

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