
 #include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const double PI = acos(-);
const double eps = 1e-;
struct Point
double x, y;
Point(double x = , double y = ): x(x), y(y) {}
typedef Point Vector;
double dcmp(double x)
if (fabs(x) < eps)
return ;
return x < ? - : ;
Vector operator + (const Point& A, const Point& B)
return Vector(A.x + B.x, A.y + B.y);
Vector operator - (const Point& A, const Point& B)
return Vector(A.x - B.x, A.y - B.y);
Vector operator * (const Point& A, double a)
return Vector(A.x * a, A.y * a);
Vector operator / (const Point& A, double a)
return Vector(A.x / a, A.y / a);
double Cross(const Vector& A, const Vector& B)
return A.x * B.y - A.y * B.x;
double Dot(const Vector& A, const Vector& B)
return A.x * B.x + A.y * B.y;
double Length(const Vector& A)
return sqrt(Dot(A, A));
bool operator < (const Point& A, const Point& B)
return A.x < B.x || (A.x == B.x && A.y < B.y);
bool operator == (const Point& A, const Point& B)
return A.x == B.x && A.y == B.y;
Point GetLineIntersection(Point P, Point v, Point Q, Point w)
Point u = P - Q;
double t = Cross(w, u) / Cross(v, w);
return P + v * t;
bool SegmentProperIntersection(const Point& a1, const Point& a2, const Point& b1, const Point& b2)
double c1 = Cross(a2 - a1, b1 - a1);
double c2 = Cross(a2 - a1, b2 - a1);
double c3 = Cross(b2 - b1, a1 - b1);
double c4 = Cross(b2 - b1, a2 - b1);
return dcmp(c1) * dcmp(c2) < && dcmp(c3) * dcmp(c4) < ;
bool OnSegment(const Point& p, const Point& a1, const Point& a2)
return dcmp(Cross(a1 - p, a2 - p)) == && dcmp(Dot(a1 - p, a2 - p)) < ;
} const int N = ;
const int M = ;
Point P[M], res[N], temp[M];
double ang[M], s;
int n, cnt; void add(Point a, Point b)
temp[cnt] = a;
ang[cnt] = atan2(temp[cnt].y - b.y, temp[cnt].x - b.x) - s;
while (dcmp(ang[cnt]) <= )
ang[cnt] += * PI;
} int main()
while (scanf("%d", &n) == )
int minid = ;
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
scanf("%lf%lf", &P[i].x, &P[i].y);
if (P[i] < P[minid])
minid = i;
res[] = P[minid];
int num = ;
s = -PI;
while ()
cnt = ;
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
if (res[num - ] == P[i])
add(P[(i + ) % n], res[num - ]);
add(P[(i + n - ) % n], res[num - ]);
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
if (OnSegment(res[num - ], P[i], P[(i + ) % n]))
add(P[(i + ) % n], res[num - ]);
add(P[i], res[num - ]);
int id = ;
for (int i = ; i < cnt; i++)
if (ang[i] < ang[id])
id = i;
double minlen = 1e9;
Point RP = temp[id], its;
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
if (SegmentProperIntersection(temp[id], res[num - ], P[i], P[(i + ) % n]))
its = GetLineIntersection(temp[id], temp[id] - res[num - ], P[i], P[i] - P[(i + ) % n]);
if (Length(its - res[num - ]) < minlen)
minlen = Length(its - res[num - ]);
RP = its;
res[num] = RP;
s = atan2(res[num - ].y - res[num].y, res[num - ].x - res[num].x);
if (res[num - ] == res[])
printf("%d\n", num - );
for (int i = ; i < num - ; i++)
printf("%.4lf %.4lf\n", res[i].x, res[i].y);
return ;


using namespace std; const double eps = 1e-;
double dcmp(double x)
if(fabs(x) < eps) return ;
else return x < ? - : ;
} struct Point
double x, y;
Point(double x=, double y=):x(x),y(y) { }
}; typedef Point Vector; Vector operator + (Vector A, Vector B)
return Vector(A.x+B.x, A.y+B.y);
} Vector operator - (Point A, Point B)
return Vector(A.x-B.x, A.y-B.y);
} Vector operator * (Vector A, double p)
return Vector(A.x*p, A.y*p);
} // 理论上这个“小于”运算符是错的,因为可能有三个点a, b, c, a和b很接近(即a<b好b<a都不成立),b和c很接近,但a和c不接近
// 所以使用这种“小于”运算符的前提是能排除上述情况
bool operator < (const Point& a, const Point& b)
return dcmp(a.x - b.x) < || (dcmp(a.x - b.x) == && dcmp(a.y - b.y) < );
} bool operator == (const Point& a, const Point &b)
return dcmp(a.x-b.x) == && dcmp(a.y-b.y) == ;
} double Dot(Vector A, Vector B)
return A.x*B.x + A.y*B.y;
double Cross(Vector A, Vector B)
return A.x*B.y - A.y*B.x;
double Length(Vector A)
return sqrt(Dot(A, A));
} typedef vector<Point> Polygon; Point GetLineIntersection(const Point& P, const Vector& v, const Point& Q, const Vector& w)
Vector u = P-Q;
double t = Cross(w, u) / Cross(v, w);
return P+v*t;
} bool SegmentProperIntersection(const Point& a1, const Point& a2, const Point& b1, const Point& b2)
double c1 = Cross(a2-a1,b1-a1), c2 = Cross(a2-a1,b2-a1),
c3 = Cross(b2-b1,a1-b1), c4=Cross(b2-b1,a2-b1);
return dcmp(c1)*dcmp(c2)< && dcmp(c3)*dcmp(c4)<;
} bool OnSegment(Point p, Point a1, Point a2)
return dcmp(Cross(a1-p, a2-p)) == && dcmp(Dot(a1-p, a2-p)) < ;
} // 多边形的有向面积
double PolygonArea(Polygon poly)
double area = ;
int n = poly.size();
for(int i = ; i < n-; i++)
area += Cross(poly[i]-poly[], poly[(i+)%n]-poly[]);
return area/;
} struct Edge
int from, to; // 起点,终点,左边的面编号
double ang;
}; const int maxn = + ; // 最大边数 // 平面直线图(PSGL)实现
struct PSLG
int n, m, face_cnt;
double x[maxn], y[maxn];
vector<Edge> edges;
vector<int> G[maxn];
int vis[maxn*]; // 每条边是否已经访问过
int left[maxn*]; // 左面的编号
int prev[maxn*]; // 相同起点的上一条边(即顺时针旋转碰到的下一条边)的编号 vector<Polygon> faces;
double area[maxn]; // 每个polygon的面积 void init(int n)
this->n = n;
for(int i = ; i < n; i++) G[i].clear();
} // 有向线段from->to的极角
double getAngle(int from, int to)
return atan2(y[to]-y[from], x[to]-x[from]);
} void AddEdge(int from, int to)
from, to, getAngle(from, to)
to, from, getAngle(to, from)
m = edges.size();
} // 找出faces并计算面积
void Build()
for(int u = ; u < n; u++)
// 给从u出发的各条边按极角排序
int d = G[u].size();
for(int i = ; i < d; i++)
for(int j = i+; j < d; j++) // 这里偷个懒,假设从每个点出发的线段不会太多
if(edges[G[u][i]].ang > edges[G[u][j]].ang) swap(G[u][i], G[u][j]);
for(int i = ; i < d; i++)
prev[G[u][(i+)%d]] = G[u][i];
} memset(vis, , sizeof(vis));
face_cnt = ;
for(int u = ; u < n; u++)
for(int i = ; i < G[u].size(); i++)
int e = G[u][i];
if(!vis[e]) // 逆时针找圈
Polygon poly;
vis[e] = ;
left[e] = face_cnt;
int from = edges[e].from;
poly.push_back(Point(x[from], y[from]));
e = prev[e^];
if(e == G[u][i]) break;
assert(vis[e] == );
} for(int i = ; i < faces.size(); i++)
area[i] = PolygonArea(faces[i]);
}; PSLG g; const int maxp = + ;
int n, c;
Point P[maxp]; Point V[maxp*(maxp-)/+maxp]; // 在V数组里找到点p
int ID(Point p)
return lower_bound(V, V+c, p) - V;
} // 假定poly没有相邻点重合的情况,只需要删除三点共线的情况
Polygon simplify(const Polygon& poly)
Polygon ans;
int n = poly.size();
for(int i = ; i < n; i++)
Point a = poly[i];
Point b = poly[(i+)%n];
Point c = poly[(i+)%n];
if(dcmp(Cross(a-b, c-b)) != ) ans.push_back(b);
return ans;
} void build_graph()
c = n;
for(int i = ; i < n; i++)
V[i] = P[i]; vector<double> dist[maxp]; // dist[i][j]是第i条线段上的第j个点离起点(P[i])的距离
for(int i = ; i < n; i++)
for(int j = i+; j < n; j++)
if(SegmentProperIntersection(P[i], P[(i+)%n], P[j], P[(j+)%n]))
Point p = GetLineIntersection(P[i], P[(i+)%n]-P[i], P[j], P[(j+)%n]-P[j]);
V[c++] = p;
dist[i].push_back(Length(p - P[i]));
dist[j].push_back(Length(p - P[j]));
} // 为了保证“很接近的点”被看作同一个,这里使用了sort+unique的方法
// 必须使用前面提到的“理论上是错误”的小于运算符,否则不能保证“很接近的点”在排序后连续排列
// 另一个常见的处理方式是把坐标扩大很多倍(比如100000倍),然后四舍五入变成整点(计算完毕后再还原),用少许的精度损失换来鲁棒性和速度。
sort(V, V+c);
c = unique(V, V+c) - V; g.init(c); // c是平面图的点数
for(int i = ; i < c; i++)
g.x[i] = V[i].x;
g.y[i] = V[i].y;
for(int i = ; i < n; i++)
Vector v = P[(i+)%n] - P[i];
double len = Length(v);
sort(dist[i].begin(), dist[i].end());
int sz = dist[i].size();
for(int j = ; j < sz; j++)
Point a = P[i] + v * (dist[i][j-] / len);
Point b = P[i] + v * (dist[i][j] / len);
if(a == b) continue;
g.AddEdge(ID(a), ID(b));
} g.Build(); Polygon poly;
for(int i = ; i < g.faces.size(); i++)
if(g.area[i] < ) // 对于连通图,惟一一个面积小于零的面是无限面
poly = g.faces[i];
reverse(poly.begin(), poly.end()); // 对于内部区域来说,无限面多边形的各个顶点是顺时针的
poly = simplify(poly); // 无限面多边形上可能会有相邻共线点
} int m = poly.size();
printf("%d\n", m); // 挑选坐标最小的点作为输出的起点
int start = ;
for(int i = ; i < m; i++)
if(poly[i] < poly[start]) start = i;
for(int i = start; i < m; i++)
printf("%.4lf %.4lf\n", poly[i].x, poly[i].y);
for(int i = ; i < start; i++)
printf("%.4lf %.4lf\n", poly[i].x, poly[i].y);
} int main()
while(scanf("%d", &n) == && n)
for(int i = ; i < n; i++)
int x, y;
scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
P[i] = Point(x, y);
return ;

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