Problem Description

Given N integers A={A[0],A[1],...,A[N-1]}. Here we have some operations:

Operation 1: AND opn L R

Here opn, L and R are integers.

For L≤i≤R, we do A[i]=A[i] AND opn (here "AND" is bitwise operation).

Operation 2: OR opn L R

Here opn, L and R are integers.

For L≤i≤R, we do A[i]=A[i] OR opn (here "OR" is bitwise operation).

Operation 3: XOR opn L R

Here opn, L and R are integers.

For L≤i≤R, we do A[i]=A[i] XOR opn (here "XOR" is bitwise operation).

Operation 4: SUM L R

We want to know the result of A[L]+A[L+1]+...+A[R].

Now can you solve this easy problem?


The first line of the input contains an integer T, indicating the number of test cases. (T≤100)

Then T cases, for any case, the first line has two integers n and m (1≤n≤1,000,000, 1≤m≤100,000), indicating the number of elements in A and the number of operations.

Then one line follows n integers A[0], A[1], ..., A[n-1] (0≤A[i]<16,0≤i<n).

Then m lines, each line must be one of the 4 operations above. (0≤opn≤15)


For each test case and for each "SUM" operation, please output the result with a single line.

Sample Input

4 4
1 2 4 7
SUM 0 2
XOR 5 0 0
OR 6 0 3
SUM 0 2

Sample Output



A = [1 2 4 7]

SUM 0 2, result=1+2+4=7;

XOR 5 0 0, A=[4 2 4 7];

OR 6 0 3, A=[6 6 6 7];

SUM 0 2, result=6+6+6=18.




    这题思路想到 经过多次操作之后的区间应该是一个数字很多相同的区间:

   因为如果相邻两个数经过操作之后变成相同的数了,那么再经过覆盖了该区间的操作时,那么他们的值将同时发生改变,变成另外一个相同的值,这多次操作下去,之后将生更多的相同的数字区间,这里的相同数字就是懒惰标记更新的关键:例如:OR 6 0 3, A=[6 6 6 7];    其中6出现了3次



status:Accepted language:Visual C++
time:1953 ms memory:47156KB
code length:2686B author:cj
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#define N 1000010
#define lson p<<1
#define rson p<<1|1
using namespace std; struct Nod
int l,r;
int num; //标记区间数字是否相同
}node[N<<]; void building(int l,int r,int p)
node[p].l = l;
node[p].r = r;
node[p].num = -;
int mid = (l+r)>>;
if(node[lson].num!=-&&node[lson].num==node[rson].num) //向上更新
node[p].num = node[lson].num;
} int opreate(int op,int opn,int num) //操作函数 op:操作符 opn,num:操作数
if(op==) return opn&num;
if(op==) return opn|num;
if(op==) return opn^num; } void update(int l,int r,int p,int opn,int op)
if(node[p].l==l&&node[p].r==r&&node[p].num>=) //当找到区间并且区间被相同的数覆盖
node[p].num = opreate(op,opn,node[p].num);
if(node[p].num>=) //经过该区间时,向下更新
node[lson].num = node[rson].num = node[p].num;
node[p].num = -;
int mid = (node[p].l+node[p].r)>>;
if(r<=mid) update(l,r,lson,opn,op);
else if(l>mid) update(l,r,rson,opn,op);
if(node[lson].num!=-&&node[lson].num==node[rson].num) //向上更新
node[p].num = node[lson].num;
} __int64 query(int l,int r,int p)
return node[p].num*(node[p].r-node[p].l+);
if(node[p].num>=) //经过该区间时,向下更新
node[lson].num = node[rson].num = node[p].num;
node[p].num = -;
int mid = (node[p].l+node[p].r)>>;
if(r<=mid) return query(l,r,lson);
else if(l>mid) return query(l,r,rson);
else return query(l,mid,lson)+query(mid+,r,rson);
if(node[lson].num!=-&&node[lson].num==node[rson].num) //向上更新
node[p].num = node[lson].num;
} int main()
int t;
int n,m;
char op[];
int opn,a,b;
if(op[]=='A') update(a+,b+,,opn,);
else if(op[]=='O') update(a+,b+,,opn,);
else if(op[]=='X') update(a+,b+,,opn,);
return ;

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