运行环境:ubuntu 14.04 64位




没有安照这个做过了就先不要到处百度“如何部署L2TP”之类的了。先参阅Official Ubuntu Documentation。


sudo ipsec verify


Checking your system to see if IPsec got installed and started correctly:

Version check and ipsec on-path [OK]

Linux Openswan U2.6.38/K3.13.0-52-generic (netkey)

Checking for IPsec support in kernel [OK]

SAref kernel support [N/A]

NETKEY: Testing XFRM related proc values [FAILED]

Please disable /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/send_redirects

or NETKEY will cause the sending of bogus ICMP redirects!


Please disable /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_redirects

or NETKEY will accept bogus ICMP redirects!


Hardware RNG detected, testing if used properly [FAILED]

Hardware RNG is present but 'rngd' or 'clrngd' is not running.

No harware random used!

Checking that pluto is running [OK]

Pluto listening for IKE on udp 500 [OK]

Pluto listening for NAT-T on udp 4500 [OK]

Checking for 'ip' command [OK]

Checking /bin/sh is not /bin/dash [WARNING]

Checking for 'iptables' command [OK]

Opportunistic Encryption Support [DISABLED]


NETKEY: Testing XFRM related proc values [FAILED]


for each in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*

> do

> echo 0 > $each/accept_redirects

> echo 0 > $each/send_redirects

> done


Hardware RNG detected, testing if used properly [FAILED]

Hardware RNG is present but 'rngd' or 'clrngd' is not running.

No harware random used!


sudo apt-get install rng-tools

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