


private void Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = new Person();
public class Person
protected const string PERSONAL_CAT = "Personal Details"; private string _name = "Bob";
private DateTime _birthday = new DateTime(,,); [Category(PERSONAL_CAT), PropertyOrder()]
public string Name
get {return _name;}
set {_name = value;}
} [Category(PERSONAL_CAT), PropertyOrder()]
public DateTime Birthday
get {return _birthday;}
set {_birthday = value;}
} [Category(PERSONAL_CAT), PropertyOrder()]
public int Age
TimeSpan age = DateTime.Now - _birthday;
return (int)age.TotalDays / ;


// (C) Paul Tingey 2004
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel; namespace OrderedPropertyGrid
public class PropertySorter : ExpandableObjectConverter
#region Methods
public override bool GetPropertiesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
return true;
} public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes)
// This override returns a list of properties in order
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(value, attributes);
ArrayList orderedProperties = new ArrayList();
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in pdc)
Attribute attribute = pd.Attributes[typeof(PropertyOrderAttribute)];
if (attribute != null)
// If the attribute is found, then create an pair object to hold it
PropertyOrderAttribute poa = (PropertyOrderAttribute)attribute;
orderedProperties.Add(new PropertyOrderPair(pd.Name,poa.Order));
// If no order attribute is specifed then given it an order of 0
orderedProperties.Add(new PropertyOrderPair(pd.Name,));
// Perform the actual order using the value PropertyOrderPair classes
// implementation of IComparable to sort
// Build a string list of the ordered names
ArrayList propertyNames = new ArrayList();
foreach (PropertyOrderPair pop in orderedProperties)
// Pass in the ordered list for the PropertyDescriptorCollection to sort by
return pdc.Sort((string[])propertyNames.ToArray(typeof(string)));
} #region Helper Class - PropertyOrderAttribute
public class PropertyOrderAttribute : Attribute
// Simple attribute to allow the order of a property to be specified
private int _order;
public PropertyOrderAttribute(int order)
_order = order;
} public int Order
return _order;
#endregion #region Helper Class - PropertyOrderPair
public class PropertyOrderPair : IComparable
private int _order;
private string _name;
public string Name
return _name;
} public PropertyOrderPair(string name, int order)
_order = order;
_name = name;
} public int CompareTo(object obj)
// Sort the pair objects by ordering by order value
// Equal values get the same rank
int otherOrder = ((PropertyOrderPair)obj)._order;
if (otherOrder == _order)
// If order not specified, sort by name
string otherName = ((PropertyOrderPair)obj)._name;
return string.Compare(_name,otherName);
else if (otherOrder > _order)
return -;
return ;




public class PropertyOrderAttribute : Attribute//自定义Attribute类,向property提供 ```````````````````````````````````````````````````//order属性
private int order; public PropertyOrderAttribute(int order)
this.order = order;
} public int Order
return order;
} class TestPropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor,IComparable//继承PropertyDescriptor类并实现IComparable接口
private PropertyDescriptor basePropertyDescriptor;
private int order;
... //构造函数 public TestPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor basePropertyDescriptor): base(basePropertyDescriptor)
this.basePropertyDescriptor = basePropertyDescriptor;
order = GetOrder(basePropertyDescriptor.Attributes);
} //获得property的order属性 private int GetOrder(AttributeCollection ac)
foreach (Attribute a in ac)
if (a is PropertyOrderAttribute)
return ((PropertyOrderAttribute)a).Order;
return ; } ... #region "IComparable"
public int CompareTo(object tpd)//实现接口,使此类的对象可以依据order进行比较、排序
TestPropertyDescriptor other = (TestPropertyDescriptor)tpd;
if (order == other.order) return string.Compare(Name, other.Name);
else return (order > other.order) ? : -;
} class ICustomTDClass1: Class1 , ICustomTypeDescriptor//Class1为需要对其属性进行排序的自定义类。 { ... public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes)
{ PropertyDescriptorCollection tmpPDC = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(ICustomTDClass1), attributes);
PropertyDescriptorCollection result = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
ArrayList orderPdList = new ArrayList(); foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in tmpPDC)
TestPropertyDescriptor tpd = new TestPropertyDescriptor(pd);
orderPdList.Add(tpd); }
ArrayList propertyNames = new ArrayList();
foreach (TestPropertyDescriptor propertyAttributes in orderPdList)//获得排序后的DisplayName数组
} return result.Sort((string[])propertyNames.ToArray(typeof(string)));//根据数组对结果排序,注意这里不能直接return `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````//result.Sort(),因为在result里存着的是PropertyDescriptor类`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````//型的对象,而不是我们定义的TestPropertyDescriptor类`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````//型。至此,排序功能圆满完成。
... }


1. PropertyGrid排序

2. PropertyGrid控件 分类(Category)及属性(Property)排序

3. Ordering Items in the Property Grid


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