Javascript模式(二) 发布者/订阅者模式
- var publisher = {
- // 订阅者数组
- subscribers : {
- "any" : []
- },
- // 增加订阅者
- on : function(type, fn, context){
- var subscribers = this.subscribers;
- type = type || "any";
- context = context || this;
- fn = typeof fn === "function" ? fn : context[fn];
- if(!subscribers[type]){
- subscribers[type] = [];
- }
- subscribers[type].push({"fn" : fn, "context" : context});
- },
- // 移除订阅者
- off : function(type, fn, context){
- this.visit("unPublish", type, fn, context)
- },
- // 通知
- fire : function(type, arg){
- this.visit("publish", type, arg);
- },
- // 访问订阅者数组
- visit : function(action, type, arg, context){
- var subscribers, i, len;
- type = type || "any";
- subscribers = this.subscribers[type];
- len = subscribers.length || 0;
- switch(action){
- case "publish" :
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
- subscribers[i][i].context, arg);
- }
- break;
- case "unPublish":
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
- if(subscribers[i].fn === arg && subscribers[i].context === context){
- subscribers.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- function makePublisher(o){
- o.subscribers = {"any" : []};
- for(var p in publisher ){
- if(publisher.hasOwnProperty(p) && typeof publisher[p] === "function"){
- o[p] = publisher[p];
- }
- }
- return o;
- }
- // 发布者Play
- // 发布两个事件:1、有玩家加入 2、玩家开始玩
- function Player(name, key){
- this.point = 0;
- = name;
- this.key = key;
-"add", this);
- }
- = function(){
- this.point += 1;
-"play", this);
- };
- // 观察者/订阅者 game,观察2个事件:1、有玩家加入 2、玩家开始玩
- // 同时作为发布者game,通知积分榜更新
- var game = {
- // 存储对象和按键key的关系
- keys : {},
- // 订阅
- addPlayer : function(player){
- this.keys[player.key] = player;
- },
- // 通知订阅者scoreboard更新
- handlyPlay : function(){
- var score = {}, keys = this.keys, p;
- for(p in keys){
- if(keys.hasOwnProperty(p)){
- score[keys[p].name] = keys[p].point;
- }
- }
-"update", score);
- },
- // 封装keypress事件
- keydown : function(e){
- var which, code;
- e = e || event;
- which = e.which || e.keyCode;
- code = String.fromCharCode(which);
- if(this.keys[code]){
- this.keys[code].play();
- }
- }
- };
- // 积分榜
- var scoreboard = {
- dom : document.getElementById("score_board"),
- // 更新积分榜 参数格式 {playname1 : point, playname2 : point }
- update : function(score){
- var p, html = "";
- for(p in score){
- if(score.hasOwnProperty(p)){
- html += p + "获得了" + score[p] + "<br/>";
- }
- }
- this.dom.innerHTML = html;
- }
- };
- // Player作为发布者,因其需要通知订阅者game新增玩家以及玩家积分变化
- // game对Player而言是订阅者,因其需要订阅Player的特定活动add(新增玩家)和play(玩家积分发生变化)
- // game对scoreboard而言是发布者,因其在观察到Player的play事件之后需要通知scoreboard更新积分
- makePublisher(Player.prototype);
- makePublisher(game);
- Player.prototype.on("add", game.addPlayer, game);
- Player.prototype.on("play", game.handlyPlay, game);
- game.on("update", scoreboard.update, scoreboard);
- //excute
- while(true){
- var name = prompt("say your name, man"), key;
- if(name && name !== "null"){
- while(true){
- key = prompt("what is your key");
- if(key && key !== "null"){
- break;
- }
- alert("亲,还是指定个key吧,不然你没办法玩的,相信我");
- }
- new Player(name, key);
- }
- else {
- break;
- }
- }
- document.onkeydown = function(e){
-, e);
- };
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