This's my first version.The logic is simple, just the selection sort.

I spent much time learning how to write AT&T assembly on 64-bit Linux.almost all books just talk about 32-bit assembly.

Such as registers, on 64-bit linux, rax, rbx, rcx..... are all 8 bytes. not like eax,ebx,ecx 4 bytes.

And the differences with the use of libraries such as printf.32-bit AT&T assembly push the parameters before calling printf.but 64-bit AT&T assembly saving the parameters in registers such as rsi or rdi before calling printf.

movq     .quad     8bytes 64-bit

movl      .long       4bytes 32-bit

movw     .word     2bytes 16-bit

movb     .byte       1bytes 8-bit

  1. # func: selection sort algorithm
  2. # by whoami
  3. # Oct -
  4. # rdx --- i, rax --- min, rcx --- j, rbx --- tmp
  6. .section .data
  7. data_item:
  8. .quad ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  9. before_sort:
  10. .asciz "sorted nums:\n"
  11. sort_output_format:
  12. .asciz "%d\n"
  13. .section .text
  14. .globl _start
  15. _start:
  16. movq $, %rdx
  17. out_loop: # outer loop
  18. movq %rdx, %rax
  19. movq data_item(,%rdx,), %rbx # if arr[i] == print all nums sorted and exit.
  20. cmp $, %rbx
  21. je print_arr
  22. movq %rdx, %rcx
  23. incq %rcx
  24. inner_loop: # inner loop, get the min-value
  25. cmp $, data_item(,%rcx,)
  26. je inner_loop_exit
  27. movq data_item(,%rax,), %rbx
  28. cmp %ebx, data_item(,%rcx,)
  29. jg not_change_min
  30. movq %rcx, %rax
  31. not_change_min:
  32. incq %rcx
  33. jmp inner_loop
  34. inner_loop_exit:
  35. movq data_item(,%rdx,), %rbx # swap the value, of arr[i] and the min-value.
  36. movq data_item(,%rax,), %rdi
  37. movq %rdi, data_item(,%rdx,)
  38. movq %rbx, data_item(,%rax,)
  39. incq %rdx
  40. jmp out_loop # inner loop exits.
  42. print_arr:
  43. movq $, %rbx # print 'sorted nums:'
  44. movq $before_sort, %rdi
  45. call printf
  46. print_loop: # print all nums sorted in a loop
  47. movq data_item(,%rbx,),%rax
  48. cmp $, %rax
  49. je end
  50. movq $sort_output_format, %rdi
  51. movq %rax, %rsi
  52. call printf
  53. incq %rbx
  54. jmp print_loop
  55. end: # program ends.
  56. movq $, %rdi
  57. movq $, %rax
  58. syscall

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