





#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define LL long long
#define ALL(a) a.begin(), a.end()
#define pb push_back
#define mk make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define haha; printf("haha\n");
const int maxn = 1e6 + ;
int dfsclock;
map<LL, int> ID;
LL cnt[maxn], cnt2[maxn]; LL cal(LL x, int n){
LL res = ;
while (n){
if (n & ) res = res * x;
x = x * x;
n >>= ;
return res;
} void dfs(LL val, int cell){
if (cell == ) return ;
LL add = cal(10LL, cell);
for (LL i = ; i <= ; i++){
ID[val + add * i] = ++dfsclock;
dfs(val + add * i, cell + );
int main(){
dfs(0LL, );
ID[] = ++dfsclock;
int t; cin >> t;
char ch[];
for (int i = ; i < t; i++){
char s[]; scanf("%s %s", s, ch);
int len = strlen(ch);
LL val = ;
if (s[] == '+') {
for (int j = len - ; j >= ; j--){
ch[j] -= '';
if (ch[j] % == ) {
val += * cal(10LL, len - - j);
else {
val += * cal(10LL, len - - j);
for (int i = len; i <= ; i++){///扩张到18位的
val += * cal(10LL, i);
else if (s[] == '-'){
for (int j = len - ; j >= ; j--){
ch[j] -= '';
if (ch[j] % == ) {
val += * cal(10LL, len - - j);
else {
val += * cal(10LL, len - - j);
for (int i = len; i <= ; i++){
val += * cal(10LL, i);
else if (s[] == '?'){
LL ans = ;
int pos = ;
for (int i = ; i <= len - ; i++){
if (ch[i] != '') {
pos = i; break;
for (int i = len - ; i >= ; i--){
if (ch[i] == '') val += * cal(10LL, len - - i);
else val += * cal(10LL, len - - i);
ans += cnt[ID[val]];
for (int i = len; i <= ; i++){
LL tmp = * cal(10LL, i);
ans += cnt[ID[val + tmp]] - cnt[ID[val]];///每次增加的匹配数一定是在前一个集合里面没有出现过的
val += tmp;
printf("%I64d\n", ans);
return ;

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