- protected void btn_ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- string x = txtpath.Text;
- DataSet ds = GetConnect(x);
- DataTable xDataTable = ds.Tables[0];
- string xFile = Server.MapPath("~/") + "action.xml";
- if (File.Exists(xFile))
- File.Delete(xFile);
- //建立Xml的定义声明
- XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
- try
- {
- XmlDeclaration dec = xmlDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "GB2312", null);
- xmlDoc.AppendChild(dec); //创建根节点
- XmlElement root = xmlDoc.CreateElement("data");
- xmlDoc.AppendChild(root);
- for (int i = 0; i < xDataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
- {
- var str=xDataTable.Rows[i][1].ToString();
- if(str=="")
- {
- break;
- }
- if (i < 5)
- {
- var sdate = "2015年" + (xDataTable.Rows[i][3] + "").Substring(0, 5);
- var edate = "2015年8月" + ((xDataTable.Rows[i][3] + "").Substring(6, 2));
- //TimeSpan days=Convert.ToDateTime(edate) - Convert.ToDateTime(sdate);
- //var n = int.Parse(days.ToString());
- for (int r = 0; r <= 6; r++)
- {
- XmlNode item = xmlDoc.CreateElement("item");
- XmlElement title = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Title");
- title.InnerText = xDataTable.Rows[i][1] + "";
- item.AppendChild(title);
- XmlAttribute xmldate = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("date");
- xmldate.Value = "8月"+(Convert.ToDateTime(sdate).AddDays(r).ToString()).Substring(7,3)+"日";
- title.Attributes.Append(xmldate);
- XmlAttribute xmlchangguan = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("changguan");
- xmlchangguan.Value = xDataTable.Rows[i][4] + "";
- title.Attributes.Append(xmlchangguan);
- XmlAttribute xmlisImportion = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("isImportion");
- xmlisImportion.Value = "1";
- title.Attributes.Append(xmlisImportion);
- XmlElement jiaBin = xmlDoc.CreateElement("jiaBin");
- jiaBin.InnerText = xDataTable.Rows[i][2] + "";
- item.AppendChild(jiaBin);
- XmlElement time = xmlDoc.CreateElement("time");
- time.InnerText = "9:00-21:00";
- item.AppendChild(time);
- XmlElement address = xmlDoc.CreateElement("address");
- address.InnerText = xDataTable.Rows[i][4] + "";
- item.AppendChild(address);
- XmlElement zhuBanDanWei = xmlDoc.CreateElement("zhuBanDanWei");
- zhuBanDanWei.InnerText = xDataTable.Rows[i][5] + "";
- item.AppendChild(zhuBanDanWei);
- root.AppendChild(item);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- XmlNode item = xmlDoc.CreateElement("item");
- XmlElement title = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Title");
- title.InnerText = xDataTable.Rows[i][1] + "";
- item.AppendChild(title);
- XmlAttribute xmldate = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("date");
- xmldate.Value = (xDataTable.Rows[i][3] + "").Substring(0,5);
- title.Attributes.Append(xmldate);
- XmlAttribute xmlchangguan = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("changguan");
- xmlchangguan.Value = xDataTable.Rows[i][4] + "";
- title.Attributes.Append(xmlchangguan);
- XmlAttribute xmlisImportion = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("isImportion");
- xmlisImportion.Value = "1";
- title.Attributes.Append(xmlisImportion);
- XmlElement jiaBin = xmlDoc.CreateElement("jiaBin");
- jiaBin.InnerText = xDataTable.Rows[i][2] + "";
- item.AppendChild(jiaBin);
- XmlElement time = xmlDoc.CreateElement("time");
- int index = (xDataTable.Rows[i][3] + "").IndexOf("日");
- time.InnerText = (xDataTable.Rows[i][3] + "").Substring(index + 1);
- item.AppendChild(time);
- XmlElement address = xmlDoc.CreateElement("address");
- address.InnerText = xDataTable.Rows[i][4] + "";
- item.AppendChild(address);
- XmlElement zhuBanDanWei = xmlDoc.CreateElement("zhuBanDanWei");
- zhuBanDanWei.InnerText = xDataTable.Rows[i][5] + "";
- item.AppendChild(zhuBanDanWei);
- root.AppendChild(item);
- }
- }
- xmlDoc.Save(xFile);
- lblshow.InnerText = "成功";
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- lblshow.InnerText = "失败" + ex.Message + ex.TargetSite;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 导出EXCEL表中的数据到 myDataSet
- /// </summary>
- public static DataSet GetConnect(string FilePath)
- {
- DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();
- string strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0; Data Source=" + FilePath + "; Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0; HDR=YES; IMEX=1;\"";
- if (Path.GetExtension(FilePath).ToLower() == ".xlsx")
- strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + FilePath + ";Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1'";
- OleDbConnection myConn = new OleDbConnection(strCon);
- //条件查询EXCEL表
- string strCom = " SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] ";
- myConn.Open();
- //打开数据链接,得到一个数据集
- OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter(strCom, myConn);
- //创建一个 DataSet对象
- //得到自己的DataSet对象
- myCommand.Fill(myDataSet, "[Sheet1$]");
- //关闭此数据链接
- myConn.Close();
- return myDataSet;
- }
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