


public void MailMergeCustomDataSource()
// Create some data that we will use in the mail merge.
CustomerList customers = new CustomerList();
customers.Add(new Customer("Thomas Hardy", "120 Hanover Sq., London"));
customers.Add(new Customer("Paolo Accorti", "Via Monte Bianco 34, Torino")); // Open the template document.
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "MailMerge.CustomDataSource.doc"); // To be able to mail merge from your own data source, it must be wrapped
// into an object that implements the IMailMergeDataSource interface.
CustomerMailMergeDataSource customersDataSource = new CustomerMailMergeDataSource(customers); // Now you can pass your data source into Aspose.Words.
doc.MailMerge.Execute(customersDataSource); doc.Save(MyDir + "MailMerge.CustomDataSource Out.doc");
} /// <summary>
/// An example of a "data entity" class in your application.
/// </summary>
public class Customer
public Customer(string aFullName, string anAddress)
mFullName = aFullName;
mAddress = anAddress;
} public string FullName
get { return mFullName; }
set { mFullName = value; }
} public string Address
get { return mAddress; }
set { mAddress = value; }
} private string mFullName;
private string mAddress;
} /// <summary>
/// An example of a typed collection that contains your "data" objects.
/// </summary>
public class CustomerList : ArrayList
public new Customer this[int index]
get { return (Customer)base[index]; }
set { base[index] = value; }
} /// <summary>
/// A custom mail merge data source that you implement to allow Aspose.Words
/// to mail merge data from your Customer objects into Microsoft Word documents.
/// </summary>
public class CustomerMailMergeDataSource : IMailMergeDataSource
public CustomerMailMergeDataSource(CustomerList customers)
mCustomers = customers; // When the data source is initialized, it must be positioned before the first record.
mRecordIndex= -;
} /// <summary>
/// The name of the data source. Used by Aspose.Words only when executing mail merge with repeatable regions.
/// </summary>
public string TableName
get { return "Customer"; }
} /// <summary>
/// Aspose.Words calls this method to get a value for every data field.
/// </summary>
public bool GetValue(string fieldName, out object fieldValue)
switch (fieldName)
case "FullName":
fieldValue = mCustomers[mRecordIndex].FullName;
return true;
case "Address":
fieldValue = mCustomers[mRecordIndex].Address;
return true;
// A field with this name was not found,
// return false to the Aspose.Words mail merge engine.
fieldValue = null;
return false;
} /// <summary>
/// A standard implementation for moving to a next record in a collection.
/// </summary>
public bool MoveNext()
if (!IsEof)
mRecordIndex++; return (!IsEof);
} public IMailMergeDataSource GetChildDataSource(string tableName)
return null;
} private bool IsEof
get { return (mRecordIndex >= mCustomers.Count); }
} private readonly CustomerList mCustomers;
private int mRecordIndex;



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