1. OGYouTube | Mod AdBlocker YouTube
OGYouTube App is a forked version of the original YouTube App with AdBlocker, Direct Download Links, Background video play, Dark Mode, Pop-Up window and much more. The OGYouTube has the same UI as the YouTube App with some added features.
The App has all core functions of the original YouTube App with added features which will make you glued to the Mod YouTube App for your Android. You can sign-in with your Google Account and also sync your Data with existing account and data to keep your info safe.

OG YouTube Interface with options to download and play in the background
Features of Mod YouTube App
- Works as YouTube – The core functionality and UI is basically the same as the official YouTube App.
- Video Downloading – You can download videos directly from the Mod App with the desired quality. It also has the feature of multiple videos downloading.
- No Need of Root – You do not require any root access to the App
- Background Play – You can play YouTube videos in the background with one click button.
- Ad Free – The App is ad-free so you can relax and watch your favourite content without much disturbance.
- Multitasking (Video Restore Down) – You can reduce the video to take a small portion of your screen so that you do other stuff on your device.
- Dark Mode – You can use YouTube Dark Mode on your Android Device.
- Support and Stability – Support Android 4.4+ and app is highly stable.
- Run Parallel with Default YouTube App
2. DNS66 | Block Ads, Trackers & Malware
DNS66 is one of the most popular repository based Ad Blocker App for Android. The DNS66 creates an encrypted server filtering all sort of Ads from intrusive Ads, Pop Ads, Web Ads, App Ads etc.
The DNS66 not only blocks ads on YouTube but all other Ads which you encounter while using your smartphone.
Just download the DNS66 App from F-Droid and open the App. Here click on Domain Filters → Adaway Host Files.
Tap the power icon on the home screen of the App and download any missing files if prompted. Done! Adblock activated.
Apart from this, you can also keep your privacy at high security with various options available in the DNS66 App including, Malware Host, Ad Tracker Host, DNS Host etc.
I recommend this app if you want to make your phone high on privacy.
3. NewPipe | Powerful Front-end YouTube App
NewPipe is a Freeware Open Source lightweight YouTube App. It has a frontend youtube interface. The best thing about the App is you can run it without any Google API or the irritating Google Play Services.
Basically, the NewPipe App just collects YT websites URL source and displays it in form of the App. But this App can prove to be very powerful if you have a low-end Android phone with limited power.

Features NewPipe App
- Runs without Google Play Services
- You can set and change the quality of video play.
- Download the video and audio at various different resolutions.
- You can play the video as a Pop-up box for multitasking
- Play the video in the background.
- Lightweight and consumes low storage space and RAM
4. YT Vanced | Forked App
iYTBP is the Forked Version of YouTube App which background Play, Dark Mode, Video Download and much more. Developed by XDA developer, the App supports both root and non-root devices. The App has all the Core features and design as the conventional YouTube App with some extraordinary addons.
Features of iYTBP
- Completely video ad blocking.
- Background Playback enabled.
- Set Preferred Video Quality.
- Enable/Disable annotations.
- Enable/Disable Suggestions Cards on videos
- White/Black Themed versions
5. AdClear
AdClear is non-root ad filtering App developed by XDA developers. It creates a VPN on your device to filter out ad traffic before it reaches you on the web or in apps. It also filters the encrypted Ads. The Adclear is capable of blocking all types of intrusive and non-intrusive Ads on all the Apps.
- Blocks encrypted ads
- Works with Wi-Fi and cell data
- Blocks ads in apps
- Selective app filtering
- Support for multiple browsers
- Non-root
- Log of blocked ads
6. Free Adblocker Browser
It is a browser with the core intention to block Ads. Free Adblocker Browser is developed by Rocketshield Inc. who specialise in this technology. The browser is built with the notion to just eradicate web ads and other intrusive trackers. With this browser, you can have ad-free web experience and enjoy fast & secure browsing. The browser is capable of blocking all sorts of advertisement which includes but are not limited to, banners, video ads and pop-ups, text ads and many more. It blocks all the Ads on YouTube but you need to play the YouTube inside the
Blocking ads will save data and increase privacy. They will also help in optimising battery. You can browse safer and faster. If you are looking for an all in one Ad Block Browser for Android than I recommend you to go with Adblocker Browser.
7. Ad-Free YouTube for Rooted Phone
- Download this YouTube File on your Device.
- Uninstall Stock YouTube App using Titanium Backup.
- Now head to /system/app in the file manager and create a new folder named ‘YouTube’
- Long-press the folder you created, choose “Permissions” from the menu. Set the “Owner” category to Read, Write, and Execute and other categories to just Read and Execute.
- Copy the Download YT APK to the New Folder & Reboot. Done! Enjoy Ad-Free YouTube.
Conclusion: With the above Apps you can block the Ads on YouTube with direct App installation or with the help of 3rd party Ad Blockers. OGYouTube is a forked version of YouTube App. DNS66 is an Ad Block filter for Android. And NewPipe is a frontend YouTube App with some excellent features along with Ad Blocking.
I hope the post was helpful. Do comment below for any assistance or support. Enjoy the seamless entertainment without any advertising disturbance.
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