A:Can you recognize that woman, Liz ?
B:I think I can, Kate.
It must be Karen Marsh, the actoress.
A:I thought so.
Who's that beside her?
B:That must be Conrad Reeves.
A:Conrad Reeves, the actor?
It can't be.Let me have another look.
I think you're right.
Isn't he her third husband ?
He must be her fourth or fifth.
A:Doesn't Karen Marsh look old?
B:She does, doesn't she.
I read she's twenty-nine, but she must at least forty.
A:I am sure she is.
B:She was a famouse actress when I was still at school.
A:That was a long time ago, wasn't it ?
B:Not that long ago!
I am not more than twenty-nine myself.

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