They’ve got a problem with their existing code, which tries to use a closure. Check it out:

function assignLaser( shark, sharkList ){
var stationAssignment;
for(var i = 0; i<sharkList.length; i++){
if(shark == sharkList[i]){
stationAssignment = function(){
alert("Yo, " +
shark +
"!\n" +
"Visit underwater strapping station " +
i +
" for your sweet laser.\n" +
"'Bout to get real up in here."
return stationAssignment;

Solution ONE:

Remove stationAssignment here, it will hold the i variable until the loop end, so return the fucntion immediatly when you find the value.

function assignLaser( shark, sharkList ){
for(var i = 0; i<sharkList.length; i++){
if(shark == sharkList[i]){
return function(){
alert("Yo, " +
shark +
"!\n" +
"Visit underwater strapping station " +
i +
" for your sweet laser.\n" +
"'Bout to get real up in here."

Solution TWO:

var sharkList = ["yrr", "wff", "eff", "gee"];
function makerLaserAssigner(sharkList){
return function(shark){
for(var i = 0; i<sharkList.length; i++){
if(shark == sharkList[i]){
alert("Yo, " +
shark +
"!\n" +
"Visit underwater strapping station " +
i +
" for your sweet laser.\n" +
"'Bout to get real up in here."
var getSharkLaser = makerLaserAssigner(sharkList);


The Dev Girls now need a target assignment for each shark. For your reference, the lists of sharks and targets is as follows:

var listOfSharks = ["Sea Pain", "Great Wheezy",
"DJ Chewie", "Lil' Bitey",
"Finmaster Flex", "Swim Khalifa",
"Ice Teeth", "The Notorious J.A.W."];
var listOfTargets = ["icicle bat", "snow yeti",
"killer penguin", "frost tiger",
"polar bear", "iceberg",
"blue witch", "wooly mammoth"];

The Devs want to use the following function call whenever they need to find the right target for any shark:

var getTargetFor = makeTargetAssigner(  listOfSharks,
listOfTargets );
getTargetFor("Ice Teeth");

Here’s an example of the pop-up alert that the devs would like their call to getTargetFor to produce:

What up, Ice Teeth!
There've been blue witch sightings in our 'hood!
Time for a swim-by lasering, homie!

*Note: A shark’s list index matches the index of the target it is supposed to eliminate.

YOUR goal is to build out the makeTargetAssigner function with a useful closure, so that it returns a function that can be used in the manner the devs are asking for. To help us check your work more efficiently, use shark as the parameter for a shark’s name in your closure function. You may want to use your own browser’s console to test a few inputs!


function makeTargetAssigner( sharks, targets ){
return function(shark){
var s_i = sharks.indexOf(shark);
var t_i = s_i;
var target = targets[t_i];
alert("What up,"+" "+
"There've been"+" "+
" sightings in our 'hood!\n"+
"Time for a swim-by lasering, homie!");

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