
apt-get install/remove在线安装/卸载文件真是方便极了。


  1. apt-get install sndfile
  2. apt-get install libsndfile




(类比RedHat系的yum search)

  1. . apt-cache search sndfile


  1. libsndfile1 - Library for reading/writing audio files
  2. libsndfile1-dbg - debugging symbols for libsndfile
  3. libsndfile1-dev - Development files for libsndfile; a library for reading/writing audio files
  4. alure-doc - AL Utilities REtooled (documentation)
  5. alure-utils - AL Utilities REtooled (utilities)
  6. ir.lv2 - LV2 IR reverb
  7. jack-capture - program for recording soundfiles with jack
  8. kluppe - loop-player and recorder designed for live use
  9. libalure-dev - AL Utilities REtooled (development files)
  10. libalure1 - AL Utilities REtooled (shared library)
  11. moc - ncurses based console audio player
  12. python-soundfile - Python audio module based on libsndfile and NumPy
  13. python3-soundfile - Python audio module based on libsndfile
  14. qmmp - feature-rich audio player with support of many formats
  15. samplerate-programs - Sample programs that use libsamplerate
  16. silan - commandline tool to detect silence in audio-files
  17. sndfile-programs - Sample programs that use libsndfile
  18. sndfile-programs-dbg - debugging symbols for sndfile-programs
  19. sndfile-tools - Collection of programs for operating on sound files
  20. xmms2-plugin-sndfile - XMMS2 - sndfile decoder
  21. zita-resampler - resampler application written with libzita-resampler



  1. . apt-cache search sndfile|grep sndfile


  1. libsndfile1 - Library for reading/writing audio files
  2. libsndfile1-dbg - debugging symbols for libsndfile
  3. libsndfile1-dev - Development files for libsndfile; a library for reading/writing audio files
  4. python-soundfile - Python audio module based on libsndfile and NumPy
  5. python3-soundfile - Python audio module based on libsndfile
  6. sndfile-programs - Sample programs that use libsndfile
  7. sndfile-programs-dbg - debugging symbols for sndfile-programs
  8. sndfile-tools - Collection of programs for operating on sound files
  9. xmms2-plugin-sndfile - XMMS2 - sndfile decoder


3. 现在知道了,安装sndfile的正确命令是

  1. apt-get install libsndfile1


  1. apt-cache show libsndfile1


  1. ...
  2. Architecture: amd64
  3. Source: libsndfile
  4. Version: 1.0.-
  5. Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libflac8 (>= 1.3.), libvorbisenc2 (>= 1.1.)
  6. Filename: pool/main/libs/libsndfile/libsndfile1_1.0.25-10_amd64.deb
  7. Size:
  9. ...



  1. dpkg -l |grep libsndfile1


  1. ii libsndfile1:amd64 1.0.-10ubuntu0.16.04. amd64 Library for reading/writing audio files



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