To clone a copy of an existing remote repository, open the Organizer in Xcode and select Repositories.  Click the plus (“+”) button in the lower left hand corner of the Organizer, and select “Checkout or Clone Repository…”.


Xcode will present a dialog requesting a URL or file path.  Xcode can handle both ssh and https URLs for git repositories.  Be sure to specify the full URL for the repository, which is typically available on the project page for Github or Bitbucket.


If the repository is private and requires authentication, Xcode will request your credentials for the repository.


Provide your credentials and click OK.  Xcode will store your credentials in the keychain for subsequent accesses of the remote repository.  Note that Xcode can also handle ssh key authentication in addition to name and password.  Once Xcode has authenticated with the remote repository, Xcode will request a location to store the project, and then project will be cloned.  Once cloned the project can be opened or shown in the finder.

If you run into an issue with using the Checkout or Clone approach and authentication, Select “Add Repository…” instead.  You can then add your authentication information for the repository, and clone from there.  This approach worked for me in cases where using Checkout or Clone did not.

When the clone is complete, the local working copy is ready for updates.


如果你在用 Checkout 或者 Clone approach 时出现了问题,请选择 “Add Repository…”来代替。之后,你可以在那里把你的验证信息添加到版本中,后续使用都是一样的。


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