Postman使用手册4——API test
一、Pre Request Scripts
Postman v0.10+ 版本支持pre-request scripts。
pre-request scripts是一个关联了收藏夹内request,并且在发送request之前执行的代码片段。这对于在request header中包含时间戳或者在URL参数中发送一个随机字符串都是非常有用的。
postman.setEnvironmentVariable('timestampHeader',new Date());
你可以在header中使 timestampHeader 变量,当request发送的时候,你的pre-request script将被执行,这个timestampHeader 变量的值将会替换{{timestampHeader}}。
二、Writing Tests
![Uploading prerequest script_871640.png . . .]
tests[“Body contains user_id”] = responseBody.has(“user_id”)
Postman在你执行一个request的时候执行test,当然你可以选择不考虑test。结果被显示在一个tab里,并在头部显示多少test通过了测试。你设置在test中的变量将会被列在这里。如果值是true,这个test就会通过。你可以保持test tab活动直到你确保所有的test执行完。
三、Testing Sandbox
Postman的sandbox是一个JavaScript的执行环境,这使得你能够为request写pre-request scripts和test scripts 。不论你写的代码是pre-request scripts还是test script都会在sandbox中执行。
JS utility libraryjQuery (Deprecated):
Cross-platform JavaScript library. This will be removed in future versions of the sandbox.BackboneJS (Deprecated):
Provides simple models, views, and collections. This will be removed in future versions of the sandbox.SugarJS:
Extends native JS objects with useful methodstv4 JSON schema validator:
Validates JSON objects against v4 of the json-schema draftCryptoJS:
standard and secure cryptographic algorithms. Supported algorithms: AES, DES, EvpKDF, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1/3/256/512, MD5, PBKDF2, Rabbit, SHA1/3/224/256/512, TripleDESxml2Json(xmlString)
This function behaves the same in Newman and PostmanxmlToJson(xmlString)
This function does NOT behave the same in Newman and Postmanpostman.getResponseHeader(headerName)
returns the response header with name "headerName", if it exists. Returns null if no such header exists. Note: According to W3C specifications, header names are case-insensitive. This method takes care of this.
postman.getResponseHeader("Content-type") and postman.getResponseHeader("content-Type") will return the same value.
postman.setEnvironmentVariable(variableName, variableValue)
: Sets an environment variable "variableName", and assigns the string "variableValue" to it. You must have an environment selected for this method to work. Note: Only strings can be stored. Storing other types of data will result in unexpected behavior.postman.setGlobalVariable(variableName, variableValue)
Sets a global variable "variableName", and assigns the string "variableValue" to it. Note: Only strings can be stored. Storing other types of data will result in unexpected behavior.postman.clearEnvironmentVariable(variableName)
Clears the environment variable named "variableName". You must have an environment selected for this method to work.postman.clearGlobalVariable(variableName)
Clears the global variable named "variableName".postman.clearEnvironmentVariables()
Clears all environment variables. You must have an environment selected for this method to work.postman.clearGlobalVariables()
Clears all global variables.environment
A dictionary of variables in the current environment. Use environment["foo"]
to access the value of the "foo" environment variable.globals
A dictionary of global variables. Useglobals["bar"]
to access the value of the "bar" global variable.
{{$guid}}: Adds a v4 style guid
{{$timestamp}}: Adds the current timestamp.
{{$randomInt}}: Adds a random integer between 0 and 1000
4. Cookies
+ responseCookies {array} (Postman-only):
Gets all cookies set for the domain. You will need to enable the Interceptor for this to work.
- postman.getResponseCookie(cookieName)(Postman-only):
Gets the response cookie with the given name. You will need to enable the interceptor for this to work. Check out the blog post.
request {object}:
Postman makes the request object available to you while writing scripts. This object is read-only. Changing properties of this object will have no effect. Note: Variables will NOT be resolved in the request object. The request object is composed of the following:data {object}:
this is a dictionary of form data for the request. (["key"]=="value")headers {object}:
this is a dictionary of headers for the request (request.headers["key"]=="value")method {string}:
GET/POST/PUT etc.url {string}:
the url for the request.
responseHeaders {object}(Test-only)(Deprecated):
This is a map of the response headers. This is case-sensitive, and should not be used. Check thepostman.getResponseHeader()
method listed above.responseBody {string}(Test-only):
A string containing the raw response body text. You can use this as an input to JSON.parse, or xml2Json.responseTime {number}(Test-only):
The response time in millisecondsresponseCode {object}(Test-only):
Contains three properties:code {number}:
The response code (200 for OK, 404 for Not Found etc)name {string}:
The status code textdetail {string}:
An explanation of the response code
tests {object}(Test-only):
This object is for you to populate. Postman will treat each property of this object as a boolean test.iteration {number}:
Only available in the Collection Runner and Newman. Represents the current test run index. Starts from 0.
(Test-only): This object is only available in the test script section. Using this in a pre-request script will throw an error.
四、Testing 实例
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("key", "value");
postman.setGlobalVariable("key", "value");
tests["Body matches string"] = responseBody.has("string_you_want_to_search");
var jsonObject = xml2Json(responseBody);
tests["Body is correct"] = responseBody === "response_body_string";
- var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);
- tests["Your test name"] = data.value === 100;
tests["Content-Type is present"] = postman.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"); //Note: the getResponseHeader() method returns the header value, if it exists.
tests["Content-Type is present"] = responseHeaders.hasOwnProperty("Content-Type");
tests["Response time is less than 200ms"] = responseTime < 200;
tests["Status code is 200"] = responseCode.code === 200;
11.Code name contains a string:
tests["Status code name has string"] ="Created");
12.成功的POST request状态码:
tests["Successful POST request"] = responseCode.code === 201 || responseCode.code === 202;
13.Use TinyValidator for JSON data
- var schema = {
- "items": {
- "type": "boolean"
- }
- };
- var data1 = [true, false];
- var data2 = [true, 123];
- console.log(tv4.error);
- tests["Valid Data1"] = tv4.validate(data1, schema);
- tests["Valid Data2"] = tv4.validate(data2, schema);
14.Sample data files
JSON files are composed of key/value pairs:
For CSV files, the top row needs to contain variable names
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