Using Mono DLLs in a Unity Project

  The path to the Unity DLLs will typically be:



  mcs -r:/Applications/Unity/ -target:library ClassesForDLL.cs

  Once compiled, the DLL file can simply be dragged into the Unity project like any other asset. The DLL asset has a foldout triangle which can be used to reveal the separate classes inside the library. Classes that derive from MonoBehaviour can be dragged onto Game Objects like ordinary scripts. Non-MonoBehaviour classes can be used directly from other scripts in the usual way.  

  创建DLL:In MonoDevelop, you do this by selecting File > New > Solution and then choosing C# > Library.

  引用DLL:In MonoDevelop, you should open the contextual menu For Referencesin the Solution Browser and choose Edit References. Then, choose the option .Net Assembly tab > File System > select file.


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