hiho一下 第一百零七周 Give My Text Back(微软笔试题)
题目1 : Give My Text Back
To prepare for the English exam Little Ho collected many digital reading materials. Unfortunately the materials are messed up by a malware.
It is known that the original text contains only English letters (a-zA-Z), spaces, commas, periods and newlines, conforming to the following format:
1. Each sentence contains at least one word, begins with a letter and ends with a period.
2. In a sentence the only capitalized letter is the first letter.
3. In a sentence the words are separated by a single space or a comma and a space.
4. The sentences are separated by a single space or a single newline.
It is also known the malware changes the text in the following ways:
1. Changing the cases of letters.
2. Adding spaces between words and punctuations.
Given the messed text, can you help Little Ho restore the original text?
A string containing no more than 8192 English letters (a-zA-Z), spaces, commas, periods and newlines which is the messed text.
The original text.
- 样例输入
my Name is Little Hi.
His name IS Little ho , We are friends. - 样例输出
My name is little hi.
His name is little ho, we are friends.题目大意
小Hi和小Ho为了准备英语的期末考试,找了很多英语的电子资料。但是由于U盘出了问题,导致资料内容变得很乱。于是小Hi和小Ho决定写一个程序去将所有的电子资料格式化。 已知每一份资料只包含大小写字母,‘ ’(空格), ‘,’(逗号),‘.’(句号)以及换行符。小Hi和小Ho希望整理后的资料为如下格式: - 每一句话都是以’.’结尾,每一段话都是以换行符结尾。 - 每一段开始没有空格。 - 每一个句子都是完整的,即至少包含1个单词,句末一定为‘.’(句号)。 - 每一句话只有首字母大写。 - 每句话内单词之间由1个空格隔开。 - 标点符号与前面的单词之间无空格,标点符号后有1个空格或换行符。 对于给定的资料,请你对其进行格式化,并输出格式化的结果。
#include "iostream"
#include "string"
#include "vector" using namespace std; int main()
char s[];
bool point_tag = false; while (cin.getline(s, ))
int i = -,len;
vector<char> input; while (s[i++])
s[i] = tolower(s[i]);
len = i;
i = ;
s[i] = toupper(s[i]); for (int i = ; i < len; i++)
input.insert(input.begin() + i, s[i]);
} for (int i = ; i < input.size(); i++)
if (input[i] == ' ')
while (input[i + ] == ' ' || input[i + ] == ',')
if (input[i] == ',') {
input.insert(input.begin() + i + , ' ');
} else
input.erase(input.begin() + i);
else if (input[i] == '.')
input.insert(input.begin() + i + , ' ');
char c = input[i + ];
c = toupper(c); input.erase(input.begin() + i + );
input.insert(input.begin() + i + , c);
} for (int i = ; i < input.size(); i++)
if (input[i] == '.')
char c = input[i + ];
c = toupper(c); input.erase(input.begin() + i + );
input.insert(input.begin() + i + , c);
cout << input[i];
cout << endl;
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