Time Limit:2000MS  Memory Limit:65535K

Type: Program   Language: Not Limited


Lys plays Love Live game now. You can level up via playing songs and get experiences ei but consume
spirit si. Initially, you have n songs and spirit SP, empty experience. When you get enough experience,
you step in next level, and the experience you got flush to empty and the spirit will be filled full.
What’s more, when you step in next level, the total spirit SP will increase c, means you have c extra
spirit to consume, and required q more experiences to step in next level.
Now give you n songs, and the experience you can get and the spirit you should consume of each song.
The initially spirit SP you have, the first level experience requirement. You can tell how the level
you can step in?


First line has one integer t, the number cases.
For each case, first line, n(1<=n<=10), n songs, SP(1<=SP<=1000), the initial spirit, EP(1<=EP<=100000),
the first level requirement experiences,
c(1<=c<=100), the extra spirit you can get for each level,
q(1<=q<=100), the extra requirement experiences for each level
Next n lines, for each line, has two integers, s, e, consume spirit s and get experiences e for
each song.


For each case, print the most level you can get. If the level is larger than 10000, you should only
output 10000.

Sample Input

2 10 10 5 6
3 3
4 4

Sample Output



Before playing the song, you have 10 spirit, and require 10 experience to step into next level.
You can play the first song two times and the second song one time, consume 10 spirt, and get 10
experiences, step level 2. And spirt become 15, and require 16 experiences to next level. Then
you can not step into next level with this spirit. 思路:完全背包,每一次在背包容量为sp时,获得的最大价值为mv,当mv大于等于ep时,表示能升级,此时背包容量扩充为 sp + c, 升级条件变为 mv >= (ep + q)
times 108ms
by orc
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
using namespace std ;
int n, sp, ep, c, q ;
int s[], e[] ;
int nsize ;
int dp[] ;
int getans(int cur)
int& res = dp[cur] ;
if(res != -) return res ;
res = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
if(cur >= s[i])
res = max(res,getans(cur - s[i]) + e[i]) ;
return res ;
int main()
#ifdef LOCAL
freopen("in.txt","r",stdin) ;
#endif int t ;
scanf("%d",&t) ;
scanf("%d%d%d%d%d",&n,&sp,&ep,&c,&q) ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i) scanf("%d%d",&s[i],&e[i]) ;
int nsize = sp, lev = ;
memset(dp, - ,sizeof dp) ;
int now = getans(nsize) ;
// printf("[%d]\n",now) ;
if(now >= ep) {lev++; nsize += c ; ep += q ;} else break ;
if(lev >= ) break ;
if(lev >= ) printf("10000\n") ;
else printf("%d\n",lev) ;
} }

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