LeetCode 177. Nth Highest Salary
Write a SQL query to get the nth highest salary from the Employee
| Id | Salary |
| 1 | 100 |
| 2 | 200 |
| 3 | 300 |
For example, given the above Employee table, the nth highest salary where n = 2 is 200
. If there is no nth highest salary, then the query should return null
| getNthHighestSalary(2) |
| 200 |
Create table If Not Exists Employee (Id int, Salary int);
Truncate table Employee;
insert into Employee (Id, Salary) values ('', '');
insert into Employee (Id, Salary) values ('', '');
insert into Employee (Id, Salary) values ('', ''); CREATE FUNCTION getNthHighestSalary(N INT) RETURNS INT
SET M = N - 1;
# Write your MySQL query statement below.
(SELECT Salary
FROM Employee
LIMIT M, 1) AS getNthHighestSalary
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