try, catch and finally in db connection

Forming groovy connection string and obtaining Connection Object

Firing Select Query and obtaining results

Foreach and rows functions

Finding number of rows in result

import groovy.sql.Sql

// obtain the connection to database

// do the transaction

// close database connection

// connecting to db
def dbURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/retail"
def dbUsername="root"
def dbPassword=""
def dbDriver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
def db = Sql.newInstance(dbURL,dbUsername,dbPassword,dbDriver) // interact with DB /**********************Select query*******************************/
def q1 = "select * from product" // simple select query - more than 1 row
def q2 = "select * from product where prod_id='4'" // 1 row
def q3 = "select * from product where prod_name like '%QTP%'" // more than 1 // eachRow, rows db.eachRow(q3){
// "${it.prod_name}" +" -- " + "${it.prod_price}" it[0] + " " + it[1] + " " + it[2]
} // count of the rows which i get
// add variables in the query
def x ='Nike'
def q4 = "select * from product where prod_name=$x"
// "${it.prod_name}" +" -- " + "${it.prod_price}" it[0] + " " + it[1] + " " + it[2]
} "*******Multiple parameters**********"
def name='Catch 22'
def category_id='6'
def pro_id='12'
def q5 = "select * from product where prod_name=$name and cat_id=$category_id and prod_id=$pro_id"
// "${it.prod_name}" +" -- " + "${it.prod_price}" it[0] + " " + it[1] + " " + it[2]
} "Using list in the query"
def params=['Catch 22','6','12']
def q6 = "select * from product where prod_name=? and cat_id=? and prod_id=?"
db.eachRow(q6,params){ "$it.prod_name"
} "****************ROWS Function***********************" def result = db.rows(q1) "Total number of rows in the result " + result.size() result.get(0).get("prod_id")+" "+result.get(0).get("prod_name") result.get(5).get("prod_id")+" "+result.get(5).get("prod_name")
// complete output
for(i=0;i<result.size();i++){ result.get(i).get("prod_id")+" "+result.get(i).get("prod_name")
// adding parameters "Adding parameters in the query with variable"
result = db.rows(q4) "Total number of rows " + result.size() result.get(0).get("prod_id") + " " + result.get(0).get("prod_name") // Map containing the parameters "*******MAP********"
def myMap =[x:'Harry Potter',y:'11']
def query="select * from product where prod_id=:y and prod_name=:x"
result = db.rows(query,myMap) "Total rows " + result.size result.get(0).get("prod_id") + " " + result.get(0).get("cat_id")+" "+result.get(0).get("prod_name") // List containing the parameters "********LIST************"
def p1=['Catch 22','6','12']
def q7 = "select * from product where prod_name=? and cat_id=? and prod_id=?"
result = db.rows(q7,p1) "Total rows " + result.size result.get(0).get("prod_id") + " " + result.get(0).get("cat_id")+" "+result.get(0).get("prod_name") // firing a query
}catch(Exception e){ "Some db error" e.getMessage() }finally{ // close database connection

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