HTTP Range header
I was reading and trying to figure out how to continue a file download. For example, suppose a file is of length 100 bytes and I have all the 100 bytes. However, I don't know what the expected file size should be, so I ask for the file and specify a Range header that looks like this:
Is this a valid Range request? |
It's a syntactically valid request, but not a satisfiable request. If you look further in that section you see:
So I think in your example, the server should return a 416 since it's not a valid byte range for that file. |
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As Wrikken suggested, it's a valid request. It's also quite common when the client is requesting media or resuming a download. A client will often test to see if the server handles ranged requests other than just looking for an Whenever a client includes
So, in order for the client to play video properly, your server must be able to handle these incomplete range requests. You can handle the type of 'range' you specified in your question in two ways: First, You could reply with the requested starting point given in the response, then the total length of the file minus one (the requested byte range is zero-indexed). For example: Request:
Second, you could reply with the starting point given in the request and an open-ended file length (size). This is for webcasts or other media where the total length is unknown. For example: Request:
Tips: You must always respond with the content length included with the range. If the range is complete, with start to end, then the content length is simply the difference: Request: Range: bytes=500-1000 Response: Content-Range: bytes 500-1000/123456 Remember that the range is zero-indexed, so
But, avoid the latter method if possible because some media players try to figure out the duration from the file size. If your request is for media content, which is my hunch, then you should include its duration in the response. This is done with the following format:
This must be a floating point. Unlike
With some media types, such as webm, you must also include the content-type, such as:
All of these are necessary for the media to play properly, especially in HTML5. If you don't give a duration, the player may try to figure out the duration (to allow for seeking) from its file size, but this won't be accurate. This is fine, and necessary for webcasts or live streaming, but not ideal for playback of video files. You can extract the duration using software like FFMPEG and save it in a database or even the filename.
One more point: Chrome always starts its first video request with the following:
Some servers will send a regular 200 response as a reply, which it accepts (but with limited playback options), but try to send a 206 instead to show than your server handles ranges. RFC 2616 says it's acceptable to ignore range headers. |
Contrary to Mark Novakowski answer, which for some reason has been upvoted by many, yes, it is a valid and satisfiable request. In fact the standard, as Wrikken pointed out, makes just such an example. In practice, Firefox responds to such requests as expected (with a 206 code), and this is exactly what I use to implement progressive download, that is, only get the tail of a long log file which grows in real time with polling. |
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