Other men live to eat, while I eat to live.


Just the same, either you eat to live or you live to eat.

But there may be something different in your choices about work and life, do you work to live, or do you live to work?

That choice really have great influences on our performance, because our attitudes may decide our altitudes in some extent.

Everybody's got a job to do, and I do mine as best I can.


I don't dare to say that I have done my best in my job and my life.

I am that kind of people who are lack of clear career plannings, I often muddle through the days.

People say that those who muddle along and don't have the least pressure will be tipped over by the storms in life just like a ship without any cargo in the stormy weather at sea.

So it is not surprising that I have been sunk down by the storms in life.

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