
#include <sys/types.h>

#include "config.h"
#endif #include <sys/stat.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h> #include <event.h> int called = 0; static void
signal_cb(int fd, short event, void *arg)
struct event *signal = arg; printf("%s: got signal %d\n", __func__, EVENT_SIGNAL(signal)); if (called >= 2)
event_del(signal); called++;
} int
main (int argc, char **argv)
struct event signal_int; /* Initalize the event library */
struct event_base* base = event_base_new(); /* Initalize one event */
event_set(&signal_int, SIGINT, EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST, signal_cb,
event_base_set(base, &signal_int); event_add(&signal_int, NULL); event_base_dispatch(base);
event_base_free(base); return (0);


  event_base_new中会调用base->evsel->init(这里先不放代码,末尾会放流程图),而这个函数会根据当前后端选择初始化函数,这里是win32_init,最终调用 evutil_socketpair(int family, int type, int protocol, int fd[2]),这个函数中用 tcp-socket将 两个socket句柄绑定到fd数组上



evutil_socketpair(int family, int type, int protocol, int fd[])
#ifndef WIN32
return socketpair(family, type, protocol, fd);
/* This code is originally from Tor. Used with permission. */ /* This socketpair does not work when localhost is down. So
* it's really not the same thing at all. But it's close enough
* for now, and really, when localhost is down sometimes, we
* have other problems too.
int listener = -;
int connector = -;
int acceptor = -;
struct sockaddr_in listen_addr;
struct sockaddr_in connect_addr;
int size;
int saved_errno = -; if (protocol
#ifdef AF_UNIX
|| family != AF_UNIX
) {
return -;
if (!fd) {
return -;
} listener = socket(AF_INET, type, );
if (listener < )
return -;
memset(&listen_addr, , sizeof(listen_addr));
listen_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
listen_addr.sin_port = ; /* kernel chooses port. */
if (bind(listener, (struct sockaddr *) &listen_addr, sizeof (listen_addr))
== -)
goto tidy_up_and_fail;
if (listen(listener, ) == -)
goto tidy_up_and_fail; connector = socket(AF_INET, type, );
if (connector < )
goto tidy_up_and_fail;
/* We want to find out the port number to connect to. */
size = sizeof(connect_addr);
if (getsockname(listener, (struct sockaddr *) &connect_addr, &size) == -)
goto tidy_up_and_fail;
if (size != sizeof (connect_addr))
goto abort_tidy_up_and_fail;
if (connect(connector, (struct sockaddr *) &connect_addr,
sizeof(connect_addr)) == -)
goto tidy_up_and_fail; size = sizeof(listen_addr);
acceptor = accept(listener, (struct sockaddr *) &listen_addr, &size);
if (acceptor < )
goto tidy_up_and_fail;
if (size != sizeof(listen_addr))
goto abort_tidy_up_and_fail;
/* Now check we are talking to ourself by matching port and host on the
two sockets. */
if (getsockname(connector, (struct sockaddr *) &connect_addr, &size) == -)
goto tidy_up_and_fail;
if (size != sizeof (connect_addr)
|| listen_addr.sin_family != connect_addr.sin_family
|| listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr != connect_addr.sin_addr.s_addr
|| listen_addr.sin_port != connect_addr.sin_port)
goto abort_tidy_up_and_fail;
fd[] = connector;
fd[] = acceptor; return ; abort_tidy_up_and_fail:
saved_errno = WSAECONNABORTED;
if (saved_errno < )
saved_errno = WSAGetLastError();
if (listener != -)
if (connector != -)
if (acceptor != -)
return -;


//下面另一篇再写 event_add的代码如下

event_add(struct event *ev, const struct timeval *tv)
struct event_base *base = ev->ev_base;
const struct eventop *evsel = base->evsel;
void *evbase = base->evbase;
int res = ; event_debug((
"event_add: event: %p, %s%s%scall %p",
ev->ev_events & EV_READ ? "EV_READ " : " ",
ev->ev_events & EV_WRITE ? "EV_WRITE " : " ",
tv ? "EV_TIMEOUT " : " ",
ev->ev_callback)); assert(!(ev->ev_flags & ~EVLIST_ALL)); /*
* prepare for timeout insertion further below, if we get a
* failure on any step, we should not change any state.
if (tv != NULL && !(ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_TIMEOUT))
if (min_heap_reserve(&base->timeheap,
+ min_heap_size(&base->timeheap)) == -)
return (-); /* ENOMEM == errno */
} if ((ev->ev_events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE|EV_SIGNAL)) &&
!(ev->ev_flags & (EVLIST_INSERTED|EVLIST_ACTIVE))) {
res = evsel->add(evbase, ev);
if (res != -)
event_queue_insert(base, ev, EVLIST_INSERTED);
} /*
* we should change the timout state only if the previous event
* addition succeeded.
if (res != - && tv != NULL) {
struct timeval now; /*
* we already reserved memory above for the case where we
* are not replacing an exisiting timeout.
if (ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_TIMEOUT)
event_queue_remove(base, ev, EVLIST_TIMEOUT); /* Check if it is active due to a timeout. Rescheduling
* this timeout before the callback can be executed
* removes it from the active list. */
if ((ev->ev_flags & EVLIST_ACTIVE) &&
(ev->ev_res & EV_TIMEOUT)) {
/* See if we are just active executing this
* event in a loop
if (ev->ev_ncalls && ev->ev_pncalls) {
/* Abort loop */
*ev->ev_pncalls = ;
} event_queue_remove(base, ev, EVLIST_ACTIVE);
} gettime(base, &now);
evutil_timeradd(&now, tv, &ev->ev_timeout); event_debug((
"event_add: timeout in %ld seconds, call %p",
tv->tv_sec, ev->ev_callback)); event_queue_insert(base, ev, EVLIST_TIMEOUT);
} return (res);





  信号:    EV_SIGNAL


#define EVLIST_TIMEOUT 0x01 // event在time堆中
#define EVLIST_INSERTED 0x02 // event在已注册事件链表中
#define EVLIST_SIGNAL 0x04 // 未见使用
#define EVLIST_ACTIVE 0x08 // event在激活链表中
#define EVLIST_INTERNAL 0x10 // 内部使用标记
#define EVLIST_INIT 0x80 // event已被初始化

  重点分析一下res = evsel->add(evbase, ev);我所在为win32平台,实际调用的是int win32_insert(void *op, struct event *ev)

win32_insert(void *op, struct event *ev)
struct win32op *win32op = op;
struct event_entry *ent; if (ev->ev_events & EV_SIGNAL) {
if (win32op->signals_are_broken)
return (-);
return (evsignal_add(ev));
if (!(ev->ev_events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE)))
return ();
ent = get_event_entry(win32op, ev->ev_fd, );
if (!ent)
return (-); /* out of memory */ event_debug(("%s: adding event for %d", __func__, (int)ev->ev_fd));
if (ev->ev_events & EV_READ) {
if (do_fd_set(win32op, ent, )<)
return (-);
ent->read_event = ev;
if (ev->ev_events & EV_WRITE) {
if (do_fd_set(win32op, ent, )<)
return (-);
ent->write_event = ev;
return ();


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