
>>> frame
one two three four
a 0 1 2 3
b 4 5 6 7
c 8 9 10 11
d 12 13 14 15
>>> np.square(frame)#求平方
one two three four
a 0 1 4 9
b 16 25 36 49
c 64 81 100 121
d 144 169 196 225


>>> frame
one two three four
a 0 1 2 3
b 4 5 6 7
c 8 9 10 11
d 12 13 14 15
>>> func = lambda x : x.max()-x.min()
>>> frame.apply(func)
one 12
two 12
three 12
four 12
dtype: int64
>>> frame.apply(func,axis = 1)
a 3
b 3
c 3
d 3
dtype: int64


>>> f = lambda x : x+1
>>> frame
one two three four
a 0 1 2 3
b 4 5 6 7
c 8 9 10 11
d 12 13 14 15
>>> frame.applymap(f)
one two three four
a 1 2 3 4
b 5 6 7 8
c 9 10 11 12
d 13 14 15 16


>>> frame['one'] #获取dataframe的列为一个Series对象
a 0
b 4
c 8
d 12
Name: one, dtype: int32
>>> frame['one'].map(f)
a 1
b 5
c 9
d 13
Name: one, dtype: int64



>>> obj = Series(range(4),index=['d','b','a','c'])
>>> new_obj = obj.sort_index()
>>> new_obj
a 2
b 1
c 3
d 0
dtype: int64
>>> obj
d 0
b 1
a 2
c 3
dtype: int64

>>> new_obj = obj.sort_index(ascending = False)#默认是升序,通过参数ascending可以设置降序
>>> new_obj
d 0
c 3
b 1
a 2
dtype: int64


>>> frame = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4,4),columns = ['c','a','d','b'],index=[3,1,4,2])
>>> frame
c a d b
3 0.004950 -1.272352 1.050491 0.823530
1 1.198348 0.647114 0.154131 -0.636497
4 -0.358309 0.525307 -1.868459 0.867197
2 -0.021764 0.140501 1.459700 -0.090884
>>> frame.sort_index()
c a d b
1 1.198348 0.647114 0.154131 -0.636497
2 -0.021764 0.140501 1.459700 -0.090884
3 0.004950 -1.272352 1.050491 0.823530
4 -0.358309 0.525307 -1.868459 0.867197
>>> frame.sort_index(axis =1)
a b c d
3 -1.272352 0.823530 0.004950 1.050491
1 0.647114 -0.636497 1.198348 0.154131
4 0.525307 0.867197 -0.358309 -1.868459
2 0.140501 -0.090884 -0.021764 1.459700



>>> obj = Series([3,4,1,6])
>>> obj
0 3
1 4
2 1
3 6
dtype: int64
>>> obj.sort_values()
2 1
0 3
1 4
3 6
dtype: int64



>>> frame = DataFrame({'a':[4,7,-3,2],'b':[1,0,0,1]})
>>> frame
a b
0 4 1
1 7 0
2 -3 0
3 2 1
>>> frame.sort_index(by='a')#这个方法将在不久之后废弃,可以使用sort_values方法
__main__:1: FutureWarning: by argument to sort_index is deprecated, please use .sort_values(by=...)
a b
2 -3 0
3 2 1
0 4 1
1 7 0
>>> frame.sort_values(by='a')
a b
2 -3 0
3 2 1
0 4 1
1 7 0


>>> frame.sort_values(by=['b','a'])
a b
2 -3 0
1 7 0
3 2 1
0 4 1


>>> obj = Series([7,-5,7,4,2,0,4])
>>> obj
0 7
1 -5
2 7
3 4
4 2
5 0
6 4
dtype: int64
>>> obj.rank()
0 6.5
1 1.0
2 6.5
3 4.5
4 3.0
5 2.0
6 4.5
dtype: float64


>>> obj.rank(method='first')
0 6.0
1 1.0
2 7.0
3 4.0
4 3.0
5 2.0
6 5.0
dtype: float64




method 说明
average 默认:在相等分组中,为各个值分配平均排名
mix     使用整个分组的最大排名
min 使用整个分组的最小排名
first 按照值在原始数据中出现的顺序分配排名




>>> obj =Series(range(5),index=['a','a','b','b','c'])
>>> obj
a 0
a 1
b 2
b 3
c 4
dtype: int64

>>> obj.index.is_unique



>>> obj['a']
a 0
a 1
dtype: int64
>>> obj['c']



>>> df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3),index=['a','a','b','b','c'])
>>> df.ix['a']
0 1 2
a -0.757846 0.713964 -0.674956
a 0.198044 1.093223 -0.342281
>>> df.ix['c']
0 -2.647372
1 -0.526367
2 -0.296859
Name: c, dtype: float64
>>> type(df.ix['a'])
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
>>> type(df.ix['c'])
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>


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