Read And Write
The process of argument(论据的过程)
- Making a claim.(申明观点)
- Pointing out the opposing idea.(指出相反观点)
- Supporting the claim with evidence.(找到支撑观点的证据)
- showing the claim with evidence.(用证据证明观点)
- using quotation.(引证)
- using contrast.(对比)
- exemplification.(例证)
- Reiterate the claim.(重述观点)
Identifying patterns and structures(识别文章结构)
Chronological sequence(时间顺序)
Cause & Effect(因果关系)
Comparison & Contrast(比较和对比)
Problem & Solution(问题与解决方案)
What is Paraphrasing?(什么是转述?)
Rewriting a given sentence or a text using your own words and keeping the original meaning of the information.
Why do we need to paraphrase?(为什么要转述?)
Paraphrasing can help avoid plagiarism.
How do we paraphrase effectively?(如何高效的转述?)
Use synonyms or synonymous phrase.(使用同义词或同义短语。)
More than half -> The majority of
uncomfotable -> uneasy
Change the form of the words.(改变单词的形式。)
risky -> risk
Change the sentence structure.(改变句子结构)
Move parts of the sentence.(移动句子部分内容)
Add or change the logical connectors.(增加或改变逻辑连接词)
Make an active sentence passive or a passive sentence active.(使主动句被动或被动句主动)
Acceptable Paraphrasing(可接受的释义)
Cited source.(引用源出处)
Change the original words in the article.(改变原词语)
Maintain the same content.(保留相同意思)
How to paraphrase in 5 steps(转述的5步)
- Read the text you want to paraphrase until you fully understand its meaning and sentence structure.(阅读你想意译的文本,直到你完全理解它的意思和句子结构。)
- List or higlight key terms and expressions of source material.(列出或强调源材料的关键术语和表达。)
- Rewrite its points in your own word.(用你自己的话改写它的要点。)
- Reorganize the information in a new or different order.Chech your paraphrasing against the original.(按照新的或不同的顺序重新整理信息。对照原文检查你的释义。)
- Include a citation.(引用)
Language Formality(语言形式)
Cite source(引用源)
Use formal words or expressions(使用正式表达)
do -> conduct
again and again -> repeatedly
get the picture -> comprehend
rack up -> accumulate
Use nominalizations(使用虚泛词)
Many people appreciate -> There is widespread appreciation in
Other tips for being formal in academic writing(其它建议)
avoid contraction(避免缩写)
It's,don't isn't aren't.
be impersonal(客观)
use rhetorical question(使用反问句)
Can intermediate learners of English use learning strategies effectively?
Choosing a Research Topic(选择研究主题)
Brainstorm for ideas. (集思广益)
Choose a topic that enables you to read the literature.(选择一个能让你阅读文献的主题)
Make a list of key words.(列出关键词)
Define your topic as a focused question.(确定重点问题)
Research and read more about your topic.(研究并阅读有关您主题的更多信息)
Secify your topic.(确定主题)
Feature of a Good Research Topic(好的研究主题特点)
Typical features(典型特征)
- Debatable(可讨论的)
- Plausibal(合理的)
- Manageable(时间可控的)
Avoid topics that could be used for review papers.(避免使用文献综述类主题,如The trend and application of deep learning)
Avoid vague topic.)(避免使用模糊的主题,如The impacts of global warming in China)
Avoiding plagiarism
Classifying plagiarism(抄袭分类)
Verbatim plagiarism(逐字抄袭)
Structural plagiarism(结构抄袭)
Patchwork plagiarism(拼接抄袭)
Avoid plagiarism(避免抄袭)
- Quoting(引用)
- Paraphrasing(转述)
- Summarizing(总结概括)
Academic Writing Style(学术写作风格)
Avoid using "I"(避免使用“I”)
Such as "I think..."
Do not address the reader directly(不能直接向读者讲话)
Such as "You could..."
Do not use contractions(不能使用缩写)
Such as "isn't"
Use appropriate negative forms(使用适当的否定形式)
not any -> no
not many -> few
not much -> little
Avoid using vague expression(避免使用模糊的表达)
Such as "and so on,and so forth,etc."
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