CPUs Intel 925X/915 Chipset (925X主板芯片组)
- ECC是一种能够实现“错误检查和纠正”的技术
Enthusiast version flagship 狂热版旗舰
pin 引脚
connectors 连接器
power supply 电源
cable 电缆
high-end 高端
This is true of....这也是如此....
915是主板上那块靠近CPU的最大芯片的型号,即北桥芯片。915支持775针的INTEL CPU,但是不支持双核心的775,支持PCI-E的显卡接口
used with 适用于
graphics card 图形卡
paired with 搭配
chipset(s) 芯片组- 南北桥芯片
82801AB 82801BB 82801BA 82801CA,82801EB,82801ER,82801FB分别对应 ICH0 ICH1 ICH2 ICH3 ICH4 ICH5 ICH5R ICH6等
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http://pdf-html.ic37.com/pdf_file_A/20200531/pdf_pdf/pdf1/INTEL/82801_datasheet_102160/166799/82801_datasheet.pdf //南桥芯片ich6
Intel 925X Express(2004,6,19)
The Intel D925XCV is the Enthusiast version flagship for all the new Intel technology.
Intel 925X主板芯片组物理结构布局图
If you look carefully, you will see that the power connectors on the new motherboards, both 925X and 915, are 24-pin,
and not the common 20-pin ATX(主板) connectors on current Pentium 4 power supplies(电源). We found that server grade power supplies providing 24-pin(24个引脚) connectors work fine on the new boards. However, if you have a new top-line PCIe graphics card you will likely find a new 6-pin power connector on the graphics card. You will need either a new power supply with the 6-pin graphics connector or a converter cable that allows two 4-pin molex to be combined in a 6-pin connector to power the new high-end PCIe cards. This is true of both 925X and 915 boards.
Intel 925X主板芯片组架构图(MCH即北桥,ICH即南桥,南桥和北桥通过DMI总线相连)
925X only supports DDR2 and PCI Express 16X graphics. 925X is also the only 775 chipset version that is stated to support ECC memory. We were not able to verify ECC support, since we did not have access to DDR2 ECC memory. The other features are related to the ICH6 version used with 925X, though you will more likely see ICH6R and ICH6RW (pictured here) paired with 925X.
- ICH6系列是现在代表英特尔最优性能的南桥芯片,共有ICH6、ICH6R、ICH6W、ICH6RW四种
Intel 925X是主板芯片组,有4个SATA接口个数。
ICH6(南桥)芯片组的架构(图取自 http://pdf-html.ic37.com/pdf_file_A/20200531/pdf_pdf/pdf1/INTEL/82801_datasheet_102160/166799/82801_datasheet.pdf)
The other distinguishing feature of Intel 925X is accelerated performance modes compared to 915 chipsets. Intel first differentiated their "Enthusiast" board with enhanced performance on the 875 chipset. The 875 chipset featured PAT, or Performance Acceleration Technology, which was supposed to be a unique feature of the 875 chipset. Chipset manufacturers began revising 865 boards to support PAT-like performance almost as soon as Intel launched 865/875. This was not a development that pleased Intel.
This time around, Intel is also differentiating their top chipset with enhanced performance. Intel did not share any catchy names like PAT, and the diagram above is the only information that they provided on how they make the 925X faster. When we asked for more information than the almost meaningless diagram above, Intel said their acceleration methods were "proprietary". This is not really a surprise after the PAT confusion with 875/865. Industry sources tell us that the new acceleration scheme used on 925X is much more complicated than PAT; it will not likely appear on 915 chipset solutions from other manufacturers.
我们查下中关村在线 (https://detail.zol.com.cn/114/113299/param.shtml)
Intel 925X主板芯片组的相关信息主要如下
CPU类型 | Intel Pentium 4、Pentium 4 EE |
内存类型 | DDR2 |
CPU插槽 | Socket775 |
CPU数量 | 1 |
最大内存容量 | 4GB |
内存传输频率 | DDR2 533 |
北桥功能 | |
CPU类型 | Intel Pentium 4、Pentium 4 EE |
CPU插槽 | Socket775 |
CPU数量 | 1 |
总线规格 | 800MHz |
超线程技术 | 支持 |
内存类型 | DDR2 |
内存通道 | 支持 |
内存插槽数量 | 4 |
最大内存容量 | 4GB |
内存传输频率 | DDR2 533 |
内存校验 | 支持 |
显示芯片 | 否 |
集成显卡特性 | 无 |
显卡插槽 | PCI Express x16 |
多显卡技术 | 不支持 |
USB接口 | USB 2.0 |
USB接口个数 | 8 |
IDE接口 | ATA 100 |
IDE接口个数 | 1 |
SATA接口 | SATA 1.0 |
SATA接口个数 | 4 |
RAID等级 | SATA RAID 0,1,0+1,Matrix RAID |
RAID功能 | 支持 |
PCI-E插槽 | 4 |
PCI插槽 | 6 |
音效芯片 | HD Audio |
网络芯片 | 10/100M |
Intel D925XCV 服务器 重要参数 (https://detail.zol.com.cn/49/48030/param.shtml)
主板芯片 | |
集成芯片 | 声卡/网卡 |
主芯片组 | Intel 925X |
显示芯片 | 无 |
音频芯片 | 集成声卡芯片 |
网卡芯片 | Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mbits/sec) LAN subsystem using the Marvell* Yukon* 88E8050 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller |
处理器规格 | |
CPU类型 | 奔腾4 |
CPU插槽 | LGA 775 |
CPU描述 | 支持Intel Pentium 4 Extreme Edition处理器,支持 Intel Pentium 4处理器 533/800 MHz |
内存规格 | |
内存类型 | 4×DDR2 DIMM |
内存描述 | 四个240针DDRII内存插槽,支持DDRII 400/533,支持4G内存容量 |
存储扩展 | |
PCI-E标准 | PCI-E 16X |
PCI插槽 | 四个PCI插槽,二个PCI-E 1X |
I/O接口 | |
USB接口 | 八个USB接口,支持USB 2.0 |
视频接口 | 音频接口 |
电源接口 | 一个四针,一个20针电源接口 |
其它接口 | 四个SATA接口,PS/2鼠标,PS/2键盘接口 |
板型 | |
主板板型 |
ATX板型. |
外形尺寸 | 259 * 243mm |
注:Intel D925XCV,是一款服务器,CPU类型为奔腾4
https://www.intel.cn/content/dam/doc/datasheet/875p-chipset-datasheet.pdf(Intel 875P Chipset)
- 82801EB
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