
在进行定位功能。我目前用的是距离在两米内 摄像机和识别图的角度正负不超过30度的范围

VuforiaManager 管理

VuforialFindImageAction 识别图上,设置对应管理里的第几个VuforiaAnchor

VuforiaAnchor  定位的物体,注意旋转,Z轴要和Camera 看向物体的方向一致(反正180 自己测一下)


summary: ****************************/
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI; public class VuforiaManager : MonoSingleton<VuforiaManager>
/// <summary>
/// 当前生成的场景
/// </summary>
public Transform sceneMap;
//private List<Transform> list_ImageTargetObj;
public List<VuforiaAnchor> list_Anchor;
private VuforiaAnchor oldAnchor; public Text text;
public bool isCorrect;
private void Start()
oldAnchor = null; StartCoroutine(LoadARCamera());
isCorrect = false;
} //private void Update()
// if (oldAnchor != null)
// text.text = oldAnchor.transform.eulerAngles.x + " " + oldAnchor.transform.eulerAngles.y + " " + oldAnchor.transform.eulerAngles.z;
public void TrackingFound(Transform targetObj , int num)
if (list_Anchor.Count < (num+1) || list_Anchor.Count < 1)
SelectSceneAnchor(targetObj, num);
catch (System.Exception e)
} public void TrackingLost(int num)
if (list_Anchor.Count < (num+1) || list_Anchor.Count < 1)
} public void SelectSceneAnchor(Transform targetObj, int num)
if (oldAnchor == null)
oldAnchor = list_Anchor[num];
else if (oldAnchor == list_Anchor[num])
// oldTarget.DirectClose();
else if (oldAnchor != list_Anchor[num])
oldAnchor = list_Anchor[num];
oldAnchor.Show(targetObj); // if(oldAnchor!=list_Anchor[num].gameObject)
} public void ARCameraLoad()
// StartCoroutine(LoadARCamera());
} IEnumerator LoadARCamera()
// yield return API_GSXR_Slam.SlamManager.IsRunning; yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);
} }


summary: 计算锚点差值,定位场景 ****************************/
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine; public class VuforiaAnchor : MonoBehaviour
private Transform targetObj = null; private bool state = false;
private bool onlySet = true;
// private Collider[] coliders;
public Transform player; private float y;
private Vector3 disPos;
private float dic;
private Vector3 dir;
private Vector3 cross;
private float dot;
private float deg;
private void Start()
// player = API_SVR.GetHead();
} private void FixedUpdate()
* 1.首次定位时直接整体 移动选择
* 2.后续矫正判断识别图和Player的公积和距离,在范围内再进行移动
if (state && VuforiaManager.Instance.isCorrect)
if (player == null)
return; if (onlySet)
onlySet = false; y = targetObj.eulerAngles.y - transform.eulerAngles.y;
VuforiaManager.Instance.sceneMap.eulerAngles += new Vector3(0, y, 0);
disPos = targetObj.position - transform.position;
//Debug.Log(transform.position + " " + targetObj.position);
//Debug.Log(" DisPos " + disPos);
VuforiaManager.Instance.sceneMap.position += disPos;
{ Vector3 disPos = targetObj.position - transform.position;
disPos = VuforiaManager.Instance.sceneMap.position + disPos;
VuforiaManager.Instance.sceneMap.position = Vector3.Lerp(VuforiaManager.Instance.sceneMap.position, disPos, Time.deltaTime * 10f); }
// 首次定位
public void Show( Transform targetObj)
Debug.Log(" Show ");
this.targetObj = targetObj;
// StartCoroutine(Show(1));
state = true;
onlySet = true;
} //再次定位
public void ReplaceShow()
state = true;
// onlySet = true;
// StartCoroutine(Show(1));
// 关闭
public void Close()
state = false;
// 强制关闭
public void DirectClose()
state = false;
} public void PhysicsCollider()
//coliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, 2.5f, 8);
//player = coliders[0].transform;
//if (coliders.Length>1)
// Debug.LogError(" 检测玩家个数设置错误 ");
// return;
//} } IEnumerator Show(float timer)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(timer); float y = targetObj.eulerAngles.y - transform.eulerAngles.y;
VuforiaManager.Instance.sceneMap.eulerAngles += new Vector3(0, y, 0); Vector3 disPos = targetObj.position - transform.position;
Debug.Log(transform.position + " " + targetObj.position);
Debug.Log(" DisPos " + disPos); VuforiaManager.Instance.sceneMap.position += disPos;
} }


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine; public class VuforialFindImageAction : DefaultTrackableEventHandler
public string Name;
// [HideInInspector]
public TargetObjDeg targetObj;
// [HideInInspector]
public int num;
public int pointObj;
protected override void OnTrackingFound()
{ //if (VuforialMap.Instance != null)
// VuforialMap.Instance.TargetPointShow(this);
if (VuforiaManager.Instance != null)
// VuforialControl.Instance.TrackingFound(targetObj, num, pointObj);
VuforiaManager.Instance.TrackingFound(targetObj.transform, num);
targetObj.state = true;
base.OnTrackingFound(); } protected override void OnTrackingLost()
{ // VuforialControl.Instance.TrackingLost(num);
targetObj.state = false;
} //if (VuforialMap.Instance != null)
// VuforialMap.Instance.TargetPointClose(this);
} public enum ShowObj
ScenicSpot = 0,
Rotue = 1,
obj3D = 2



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