[hadoop@hadoop hive-0.13.1]$ bin/hive -help

usage: hive

 -d,--define <key=value>          Variable subsitution to apply to hive

                                  commands. e.g. -d A=B or --define A=B

    --database <databasename>     Specify the database to use

 -e <quoted-query-string>         SQL from command line

 -f <filename>                    SQL from files

 -H,--help                        Print help information

 -h <hostname>                    connecting to Hive Server on remote host

    --hiveconf <property=value>   Use value for given property

    --hivevar <key=value>         Variable subsitution to apply to hive

                                  commands. e.g. --hivevar A=B

 -i <filename>                    Initialization SQL file

 -p <port>                        connecting to Hive Server on port number

 -S,--silent                      Silent mode in interactive shell

 -v,--verbose                     Verbose mode (echo executed SQL to the



  bin/hive -e <quoted-query-string>


  bin/hive -e "select * from default.student ;"


  bin/hive -f <filename>


  $ echo "select * from db_hive.student ;"  >  hivef.sql

  $ bin/hive -f /opt/datas/hivef.sql

  $ bin/hive -f /opt/datas/hivef.sql > /opt/datas/hivef-res.txt


  bin/hive -i <filename>

4.在hive cli命令窗口中如何查看hdfs文件系统  

  hive (default)> dfs -ls / ; 

5.在hive cli命令窗口中如何查看本地文件系统

  hive (default)> !ls /opt/datas ;


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