kafka java 客户端发送请求,大量使用 RequestFuture,因此先说明下该类。

RequestFuture 类的成员属性 listeners 是 RequestFutureListener 的集合,调用 complete 方法,会触发 listener 的 onSuccess 方法。

public void complete(T value) {
try {
if (value instanceof RuntimeException)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument to complete can not be an instance of RuntimeException"); if (!result.compareAndSet(INCOMPLETE_SENTINEL, value))
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid attempt to complete a request future which is already complete");
} finally {
} private void fireSuccess() {
T value = value();
while (true) {
RequestFutureListener<T> listener = listeners.poll();
if (listener == null)

值得关注的是 compose 和 chain 方法,这两个方法均是为当前 RequestFuture 添加 listener,listener 的 onSuccess 又是调用另一个 RequestFuture 的方法。

public <S> RequestFuture<S> compose(final RequestFutureAdapter<T, S> adapter) {
// 创建新的 RequestFuture 对象
final RequestFuture<S> adapted = new RequestFuture<>();
// 为旧的 RequestFuture 添加 listener
addListener(new RequestFutureListener<T>() {
public void onSuccess(T value) {
adapter.onSuccess(value, adapted);
} @Override
public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
adapter.onFailure(e, adapted);
// 返回新的 RequestFuture 对象
return adapted;
} public void chain(final RequestFuture<T> future) {
// 为当前 RequestFuture 添加 listener
addListener(new RequestFutureListener<T>() {
public void onSuccess(T value) {
} @Override
public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {

rebalance 入口在 ConsumerCoordinator#poll

客户端判断是否需要重新加入组,即 rebalance

public boolean needRejoin() {
if (!subscriptions.partitionsAutoAssigned())
return false; // 所订阅 topic 的分区数量发生变化
// we need to rejoin if we performed the assignment and metadata has changed
if (assignmentSnapshot != null && !assignmentSnapshot.equals(metadataSnapshot))
return true; // 所订阅的 topic 发生变化
// we need to join if our subscription has changed since the last join
if (joinedSubscription != null && !joinedSubscription.equals(subscriptions.subscription()))
return true; // 消费者加入组,或退出组,由心跳线程设置 rejoinNeeded = true
return super.needRejoin();

消费者开始 rebalance

// AbstractCoordinator#joinGroupIfNeeded
void joinGroupIfNeeded() {
while (needRejoin() || rejoinIncomplete()) {
ensureCoordinatorReady(); if (needsJoinPrepare) {
// 调用用户传入的 ConsumerRebalanceListener
onJoinPrepare(generation.generationId, generation.memberId);
needsJoinPrepare = false;
} // 发送 join group 的请求
RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> future = initiateJoinGroup();
client.poll(future); if (future.succeeded()) {
onJoinComplete(generation.generationId, generation.memberId, generation.protocol, future.value()); resetJoinGroupFuture();
needsJoinPrepare = true;
} else {
RuntimeException exception = future.exception();
if (exception instanceof UnknownMemberIdException ||
exception instanceof RebalanceInProgressException ||
exception instanceof IllegalGenerationException)
else if (!future.isRetriable())
throw exception;


private synchronized RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> initiateJoinGroup() {
if (joinFuture == null) {
disableHeartbeatThread(); state = MemberState.REBALANCING;
joinFuture = sendJoinGroupRequest();
joinFuture.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<ByteBuffer>() {
public void onSuccess(ByteBuffer value) {
// handle join completion in the callback so that the callback will be invoked
// even if the consumer is woken up before finishing the rebalance
synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
log.info("Successfully joined group with generation {}", generation.generationId);
state = MemberState.STABLE;
rejoinNeeded = false; if (heartbeatThread != null)
} @Override
public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
// we handle failures below after the request finishes. if the join completes
// after having been woken up, the exception is ignored and we will rejoin
synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
state = MemberState.UNJOINED;
return joinFuture;


private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> sendJoinGroupRequest() {
if (coordinatorUnknown())
return RequestFuture.coordinatorNotAvailable(); // send a join group request to the coordinator
log.info("(Re-)joining group");
JoinGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder = new JoinGroupRequest.Builder(
metadata()).setRebalanceTimeout(this.rebalanceTimeoutMs); log.debug("Sending JoinGroup ({}) to coordinator {}", requestBuilder, this.coordinator);
return client.send(coordinator, requestBuilder)
.compose(new JoinGroupResponseHandler());

重点关注 client.send(coordinator, requestBuilder).compose(new JoinGroupResponseHandler());
为老的 RequestFuture 添加 listener,返回新的 RequestFuture


public RequestFuture<ClientResponse> send(Node node, AbstractRequest.Builder<?> requestBuilder) {
long now = time.milliseconds();
// 使用 RequestFutureCompletionHandler 作为回调函数
RequestFutureCompletionHandler completionHandler = new RequestFutureCompletionHandler();
ClientRequest clientRequest = client.newClientRequest(node.idString(), requestBuilder, now, true,
unsent.put(node, clientRequest); // wakeup the client in case it is blocking in poll so that we can send the queued request
return completionHandler.future;


public void handle(JoinGroupResponse joinResponse, RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> future) {
Errors error = joinResponse.error();
if (error == Errors.NONE) {
log.debug("Received successful JoinGroup response: {}", joinResponse);
sensors.joinLatency.record(response.requestLatencyMs()); synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
if (state != MemberState.REBALANCING) {
// if the consumer was woken up before a rebalance completes, we may have already left
// the group. In this case, we do not want to continue with the sync group.
future.raise(new UnjoinedGroupException());
} else {
AbstractCoordinator.this.generation = new Generation(joinResponse.generationId(),
joinResponse.memberId(), joinResponse.groupProtocol());
if (joinResponse.isLeader()) {
} else {
} else if (error == Errors.COORDINATOR_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS) {
log.debug("Attempt to join group rejected since coordinator {} is loading the group.", coordinator());
// backoff and retry
} else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID) {
// reset the member id and retry immediately
log.debug("Attempt to join group failed due to unknown member id.");
} else if (error == Errors.COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE
|| error == Errors.NOT_COORDINATOR) {
// re-discover the coordinator and retry with backoff
log.debug("Attempt to join group failed due to obsolete coordinator information: {}", error.message());
} else if (error == Errors.INCONSISTENT_GROUP_PROTOCOL
|| error == Errors.INVALID_GROUP_ID) {
// log the error and re-throw the exception
log.error("Attempt to join group failed due to fatal error: {}", error.message());
} else if (error == Errors.GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) {
future.raise(new GroupAuthorizationException(groupId));
} else {
// unexpected error, throw the exception
future.raise(new KafkaException("Unexpected error in join group response: " + error.message()));

收到响应后,最终的执行流是 RequestFutureCompletionHandler -> JoinGroupResponseHandler#handle

private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> onJoinLeader(JoinGroupResponse joinResponse) {
try {
// perform the leader synchronization and send back the assignment for the group
Map<String, ByteBuffer> groupAssignment = performAssignment(joinResponse.leaderId(), joinResponse.groupProtocol(),
joinResponse.members()); SyncGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder =
new SyncGroupRequest.Builder(groupId, generation.generationId, generation.memberId, groupAssignment);
log.debug("Sending leader SyncGroup to coordinator {}: {}", this.coordinator, requestBuilder);
return sendSyncGroupRequest(requestBuilder);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return RequestFuture.failure(e);
} private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> onJoinFollower() {
// send follower's sync group with an empty assignment
SyncGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder =
new SyncGroupRequest.Builder(groupId, generation.generationId, generation.memberId,
Collections.<String, ByteBuffer>emptyMap());
log.debug("Sending follower SyncGroup to coordinator {}: {}", this.coordinator, requestBuilder);
return sendSyncGroupRequest(requestBuilder);
} private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> sendSyncGroupRequest(SyncGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder) {
if (coordinatorUnknown())
return RequestFuture.coordinatorNotAvailable();
return client.send(coordinator, requestBuilder)
.compose(new SyncGroupResponseHandler());

用 RequestFuture 把 JoinGroupResponseHandler 和 SyncGroupResponseHandler 串联起来了

private class SyncGroupResponseHandler extends CoordinatorResponseHandler<SyncGroupResponse, ByteBuffer> {
public void handle(SyncGroupResponse syncResponse,
RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> future) {
Errors error = syncResponse.error();
if (error == Errors.NONE) {
} else {
requestRejoin(); if (error == Errors.GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) {
future.raise(new GroupAuthorizationException(groupId));
} else if (error == Errors.REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS) {
log.debug("SyncGroup failed because the group began another rebalance");
} else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID
|| error == Errors.ILLEGAL_GENERATION) {
log.debug("SyncGroup failed: {}", error.message());
} else if (error == Errors.COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE
|| error == Errors.NOT_COORDINATOR) {
log.debug("SyncGroup failed: {}", error.message());
} else {
future.raise(new KafkaException("Unexpected error from SyncGroup: " + error.message()));

rebalance 过程最后的 listener

joinFuture.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<ByteBuffer>() {
public void onSuccess(ByteBuffer value) {
// handle join completion in the callback so that the callback will be invoked
// even if the consumer is woken up before finishing the rebalance
synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
log.info("Successfully joined group with generation {}", generation.generationId);
state = MemberState.STABLE;
rejoinNeeded = false; if (heartbeatThread != null)
} @Override
public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
// we handle failures below after the request finishes. if the join completes
// after having been woken up, the exception is ignored and we will rejoin
synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
state = MemberState.UNJOINED;

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