【leetcode】942. DI String Match
Given a string
that only contains "I" (increase) or "D" (decrease), letN = S.length
.Return any permutation
of[0, 1, ..., N]
such that for alli = 0, ..., N-1
- If
S[i] == "I"
, thenA[i] < A[i+1]
- If
S[i] == "D"
, thenA[i] > A[i+1]
Example 1:
Input: "IDID"
Output: [0,4,1,3,2]Example 2:
Input: "III"
Output: [0,1,2,3]Example 3:
Input: "DDI"
Output: [3,2,0,1]Note:
1 <= S.length <= 10000
only contains characters"I"
class Solution(object):
def diStringMatch(self, S):
:type S: str
:rtype: List[int]
low = 0
high = len(S) res = []
for i in S:
if i == 'I':
low += 1
high -= 1
return res
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