- name:命令名,非字符串,但在U_BOOT_CMD中用“#”符号转化为字符串
- maxargs:命令的最大参数个数
- repeatable:是否自动重复(按Enter键是否会重复执行)
- command:该命令对应的响应函数指针
- usage:简短的使用说明(字符串)
- help:较详细的使用说明(字符串)
- #define U_BOOT_CMD(name,maxargs,rep,cmd,usage,help) \
- cmd_tbl_t __u_boot_cmd_##name Struct_Section = {#name, maxargs, rep, cmd, usage, help}
#define Struct_Section __attribute__ ((unused,section (".u_boot_cmd")))
凡是带有attribute ((unused,section (“.u_boot_cmd”))属性声明的变量都将被存放在”.u_boot_cmd”段中,并且即使该变量没有在代码中显式的使用编译器也不产生警告信息。
在u-Boot连接脚本 u-boot.lds中定义了”.u_boot_cmd”段:
- . = .;
- __u_boot_cmd_start = .; /*将 __u_boot_cmd_start指定为当前地址 */
- .u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }
- __u_boot_cmd_end = .; /* 将__u_boot_cmd_end指定为当前地址 */
这样只要将u-boot所有命令对应的cmd_tbl_t变量加上“.u_boot_cmd”声明,编译器就会自动将其放在“u_boot_cmd”段,查找cmd_tbl_t变量时只要在 __u_boot_cmd_start 与 __u_boot_cmd_end 之间查找就可以了。
- struct cmd_tbl_s {
- char *name; /* Command Name */
- int maxargs; /* maximum number of arguments */
- int repeatable; /* autorepeat allowed? */
- /* Implementation function */
- int (*cmd)(struct cmd_tbl_s *, int, int, char * const []);
- char *usage; /* Usage message (short) */
- char *help; /* Help message (long) */
- #endif
- /* do auto completion on the arguments */
- int (*complete)(int argc, char * const argv[], char last_char, int maxv, char *cmdv[]);
- #endif
- };
- typedef struct cmd_tbl_s cmd_tbl_t;
cmd_tbl_t __u_boot_cmd_boot __attribute__ ((unused,section (".u_boot_cmd"))) = {boot, 1, 1, do_bootd, "boot - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'\n", " NULL"}
- int do_bootd (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int rcode = 0;
- if (run_command(getenv("bootcmd"), flag) < 0)
- rcode = 1;
- return rcode;
- }
#define U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT_COMPLETE(_name, _maxargs, _rep, _cmd, _usage, _help, _comp) { #_name, _maxargs, _rep, _cmd, _usage, _CMD_HELP(_help) _CMD_COMPLETE(_comp) }
#define U_BOOT_CMD_COMPLETE(_name, _maxargs, _rep, _cmd, _usage, _help, _comp) ll_entry_declare(cmd_tbl_t, _name, cmd) = U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT_COMPLETE(_name, _maxargs, _rep, _cmd, _usage, _help, _comp);
#define U_BOOT_CMD(_name, _maxargs, _rep, _cmd, _usage, _help) U_BOOT_CMD_COMPLETE(_name, _maxargs, _rep, _cmd, _usage, _help, NULL)#define ll_entry_declare(_type, _name, _list) _type _u_boot_list_2_##_list##_2_##_name __aligned(4) __attribute__((unused, section(".u_boot_list_2_"#_list"_2_"#_name)))
. = ALIGN(4);
.u_boot_list : {
run_command 命令分析:
- s = getenv ("bootcmd");
- if (bootdelay >= 0 && s && !abortboot (bootdelay)) {
- ......
- run_command (s, 0);
- ......
- }
1. 从注释我们很容易知道这段代码是在对命令进行分离,并且u-boot支持’;’分离命令。
- /*
- * Find separator, or string end
- * Allow simple escape of ';' by writing "\;"
- */
- for (inquotes = 0, sep = str; *sep; sep++) {
- if ((*sep=='\'') &&
- (*(sep-1) != '\\'))
- inquotes=!inquotes;
- if (!inquotes &&
- (*sep == ';') && /* separator */
- ( sep != str) && /* past string start */
- (*(sep-1) != '\\')) /* and NOT escaped */
- break;
- }
2. 分离参数
- /* Extract arguments */
- if ((argc = parse_line (finaltoken, argv)) == 0) {
- rc = -1; /* no command at all */
- continue;
- }
3. 用第一个参数argv[0]在命令列表中寻找对应的命令,并返回一个cmd_tbl_t类型的实例。我们可以猜到这个结构体应该保函了有关命令的一系列内容。
- /* Look up command in command table */
- if ((cmdtp = find_cmd(argv[0])) == NULL) {
- printf ("Unknown command '%s' - try 'help'\n", argv[0]);
- rc = -1; /* give up after bad command */
- continue;
- }
在common/command.c 中查看find_cmd函数
- /*__u_boot_cmd_start与__u_boot_cmd_end间查找命令,并返回cmdtp->name命令的cmd_tbl_t结构。*/
- cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp;
- cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp_temp = &__u_boot_cmd_start; /*Init value */
- const char *p;
- int len;
- int n_found = 0;
- /*
- * Some commands allow length modifiers (like "cp.b");
- * compare command name only until first dot.
- */
- len = ((p = strchr(cmd, '.')) == NULL) ? strlen (cmd) : (p - cmd);
- for (cmdtp = &__u_boot_cmd_start;
- cmdtp != &__u_boot_cmd_end;
- cmdtp++) {
- if (strncmp (cmd, cmdtp->name, len) == 0) {
- if (len == strlen (cmdtp->name))
- return cmdtp; /* full match */
- cmdtp_temp = cmdtp; /* abbreviated command ? */
- n_found++;
- }
- }
① 在u-boot控制台中输入“boot”命令执行时,u-boot控制台接收输入的字符串“boot”,传递给run_command函数。
② run_command函数调用common/command.c中实现的find_cmd函数在__u_boot_cmd_start与__u_boot_cmd_end间查找命令,并返回boot命令的cmd_tbl_t结构。
③ 然后run_command函数使用返回的cmd_tbl_t结构中的函数指针调用boot命令的响应函数do_bootd,从而完成了命令的执行。
__attribute__这个关键词是GNU编译器中的编译属性,ARM编译器也支持这个用法。__attribute__主要用于改变所声明或定义的函数或 数据的特性,它有很多子项,用于改变作用对象的特性。比如对函数,noline将禁止进行内联扩展、noreturn表示没有返回值、pure表明函数除 返回值外,不会通过其它(如全局变量、指针)对函数外部产生任何影响。当然,__attribute__肯定有很多的用法,今天就用到了section部分,所以就只针对这个做一些记录。
RI ZI了,在ARM编译器编译之后,代码被划分为不同的段,RO Section(ReadOnly)中存放代码段和常量,RW
Section(ReadWrite)中存放可读写静态变量和全局变量,ZI Section(ZeroInit)是存放在RW段中初始化为0的变量。
- __attribute__((section("name")))
- RealView Compilation Tools for µVision Compiler Reference Guide Version 4.0
- Home > Compiler-specific Features > Variable attributes > __attribute__((section("name")))
- 4.5.6. __attribute__((section("name")))
- Normally, the ARM compiler places the objects it generates in sections like data and bss. However, you might require additional data sections or you might want a variable to appear in a special section, for example, to map to special hardware. The section attribute specifies that a variable must be placed in a particular data section. If you use the section attribute, read-only variables are placed in RO data sections, read-write variables are placed in RW data sections unless you use the zero_init attribute. In this case, the variable is placed in a ZI section.
- Note
- This variable attribute is a GNU compiler extension supported by the ARM compiler.
- Example
- /* in RO section */
- const int descriptor[3] __attribute__ ((section ("descr"))) = { 1,2,3 };
- /* in RW section */
- long long rw[10] __attribute__ ((section ("RW")));
- /* in ZI section *
- long long altstack[10] __attribute__ ((section ("STACK"), zero_init));/
- __attribute__((section("name")))
- RealView Compilation Tools for µVision Compiler Reference Guide Version 4.0
- Home > Compiler-specific Features > Function attributes > __attribute__((section("name")))
- 4.3.13. __attribute__((section("name")))
- The section function attribute enables you to place code in different sections of the image.
- Note
- This function attribute is a GNU compiler extension that is supported by the ARM compiler.
- Example
- In the following example, Function_Attributes_section_0 is placed into the RO section new_section rather than .text.
- void Function_Attributes_section_0 (void)
- __attribute__ ((section ("new_section")));
- void Function_Attributes_section_0 (void)
- {
- static int aStatic =0;
- aStatic++;
- }
- In the following example, section function attribute overrides the #pragma arm section setting.
- #pragma arm section code="foo"
- int f2()
- {
- return 1;
- } // into the 'foo' area
- __attribute__ ((section ("bar"))) int f3()
- {
- return 1;
- } // into the 'bar' area
- int f4()
- {
- return 1;
- } // into the 'foo' area
- #pragma arm section
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