题目:E - Leading and Trailing
对一个数x,他可以用科学计数法表示为10^r*a (r为次方,1<=a<10)
设:n^k = x = 10^r*a
两边取对数: k*log10(n) = log10(x) = r+log10(a);
令y = k*log10(n); 因为r是整数,1<=a<10所以0<=log10(a)<1
所以log10(a)为y的小数部分;即log10(a) = y-(long long)y;
a = 10^(y-(long long)y);
最终结果为:(long long)(a*100)即为前三位;
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int maxn = 1e6+;
ll Least(ll n,ll k)
ll p = ;
if(k&) p = p*n%;
n = n*n%;
k >>= ;
return p;
ll Leading(ll n,ll k)
double y = k*log10(n);
double a = pow(10.0,y-(ll)y);
return (ll)(a*);
int main()
int T, cas=;
ll n, k;
printf("Case %d: %lld %03lld\n",cas++,Leading(n,k),Least(n,k));
return ;

E - Leading and Trailing 求n^k得前三位数字以及后三位数字,保证一定至少存在六位。的更多相关文章

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