作者:吴乐 山东师范大学
asmlinkage int sys_fork(struct pt_regs regs) { return do_fork(SIGCHLD, regs.esp, ®s, 0, NULL, NULL); } |
Sys_fork系统调用通过 do_fork()函数实现,通过对do_fork()函数传递不同的clone_flags来实现fork,clone,vfork。
asmlinkage int sys_clone(struct pt_regs regs) { unsigned long clone_flags; unsigned long newsp; int __user *parent_tidptr, *child_tidptr; clone_flags = regs.ebx; newsp = regs.ecx; parent_tidptr = (int __user *)regs.edx; child_tidptr = (int __user *)regs.edi; if (!newsp) newsp = regs.esp; return do_fork(clone_flags, newsp, ®s, 0, parent_tidptr, child_tidptr); } asmlinkage int sys_vfork(struct pt_regs regs) { return do_fork(CLONE_VFORK | CLONE_VM | SIGCHLD, regs.esp, ®s, 0, NULL, NULL); } |
/* * cloning flags: */ #define CSIGNAL 0x000000ff /* 进程退出时需要传递的信号*/ #define CLONE_VM 0x00000100 /* 父子进程共享地址空间 */ #define CLONE_FS 0x00000200 /* 父子进程共享文件系统信息 */ #define CLONE_FILES 0x00000400 /* 父子进程共享已打开的文件 */ #define CLONE_SIGHAND 0x00000800 /* 父子进程共享信号处理 */ #define CLONE_PTRACE 0x00002000 /* 继续调试子进程 */ #define CLONE_VFORK 0x00004000 /* 调用vfork(),父进程休眠*/ #define CLONE_PARENT 0x00008000 /* 设置一个共有的父进程 */ #define CLONE_THREAD 0x00010000 /* 父子进程在同一个线程组 */ #define CLONE_NEWNS 0x00020000 /* 为子进程创建一个新的命名空间 */ #define CLONE_SYSVSEM 0x00040000 /* 父子进程共享system V SEM_UNDO */ #define CLONE_SETTLS 0x00080000 /* 为子进程创建新的TLS */ #define CLONE_PARENT_SETTID 0x00100000 /* 设置父进程TID */ #define CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID 0x00200000 /* 清除子进程TID */ #define CLONE_DETACHED 0x00400000 /* Unused, ignored */ #define CLONE_UNTRACED 0x00800000 /* 不允许调试子进程 */ #define CLONE_CHILD_SETTID 0x01000000 /* 设置子进程TID */ #define CLONE_STOPPED 0x02000000 /* 设置进程停止状态 */ #define CLONE_NEWUTS 0x04000000 /* 创建新的utsname组 */ #define CLONE_NEWIPC 0x08000000 /* 创建新的IPC */ |
/* * Ok, this is the main fork-routine. * * It copies the process, and if successful kick-starts * it and waits for it to finish using the VM if required. */ long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags, unsigned long stack_start, struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long stack_size, int __user *parent_tidptr, int __user *child_tidptr) { struct task_struct *p; int trace = 0; struct pid *pid = alloc_pid(); long nr; if (!pid) return -EAGAIN; nr = pid->nr; if (unlikely(current->ptrace)) { trace = fork_traceflag (clone_flags); if (trace) clone_flags |= CLONE_PTRACE; } p = copy_process(clone_flags, stack_start, regs, stack_size, parent_tidptr, child_tidptr, pid); /* * Do this prior waking up the new thread - the thread pointer * might get invalid after that point, if the thread exits quickly. */ if (!IS_ERR(p)) { struct completion vfork; if (clone_flags & CLONE_VFORK) { p->vfork_done = &vfork; init_completion(&vfork); } if ((p->ptrace & PT_PTRACED) || (clone_flags & CLONE_STOPPED)) { /* * We'll start up with an immediate SIGSTOP. */ sigaddset(&p->pending.signal, SIGSTOP); set_tsk_thread_flag(p, TIF_SIGPENDING); } if (!(clone_flags & CLONE_STOPPED)) wake_up_new_task(p, clone_flags); else p->state = TASK_STOPPED; if (unlikely (trace)) { current->ptrace_message = nr; ptrace_notify ((trace << 8) | SIGTRAP); } if (clone_flags & CLONE_VFORK) { freezer_do_not_count(); wait_for_completion(&vfork); freezer_count(); if (unlikely (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_VFORK_DONE)) { current->ptrace_message = nr; ptrace_notify ((PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE << 8) | SIGTRAP); } } } else { free_pid(pid); nr = PTR_ERR(p); } return nr; } |
static struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigned long clone_flags, unsigned long stack_start, struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long stack_size, int __user *parent_tidptr, int __user *child_tidptr, struct pid *pid) { int retval; struct task_struct *p = NULL; if ((clone_flags & (CLONE_NEWNS|CLONE_FS)) == (CLONE_NEWNS|CLONE_FS)) return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); /* * Thread groups must share signals as well, and detached threads * can only be started up within the thread group. */ if ((clone_flags & CLONE_THREAD) && !(clone_flags & CLONE_SIGHAND)) return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); /* * Shared signal handlers imply shared VM. By way of the above, * thread groups also imply shared VM. Blocking this case allows * for various simplifications in other code. */ if ((clone_flags & CLONE_SIGHAND) && !(clone_flags & CLONE_VM)) return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL); retval = security_task_create(clone_flags); if (retval) goto fork_out; retval = -ENOMEM; p = dup_task_struct(current); if (!p) goto fork_out; rt_mutex_init_task(p); #ifdef CONFIG_TRACE_IRQFLAGS DEBUG_LOCKS_WARN_ON(!p->hardirqs_enabled); DEBUG_LOCKS_WARN_ON(!p->softirqs_enabled); #endif |
static struct task_struct *dup_task_struct(struct task_struct *orig) { struct task_struct *tsk; struct thread_info *ti; prepare_to_copy(orig); tsk = alloc_task_struct(); if (!tsk) return NULL; ti = alloc_thread_info(tsk); if (!ti) { free_task_struct(tsk); return NULL; } *tsk = *orig; tsk->stack = ti; setup_thread_stack(tsk, orig); #ifdef CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR tsk->stack_canary = get_random_int(); #endif /* One for us, one for whoever does the "release_task()" (usually parent) */ atomic_set(&tsk->usage,2); atomic_set(&tsk->fs_excl, 0); #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IO_TRACE tsk->btrace_seq = 0; #endif tsk->splice_pipe = NULL; return tsk; } |
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