#439 Div2 E



  1. 把某一区域围起来(围墙之间无交点)
  2. 移除某一区域的围墙(此时保证围墙一定存在)
  3. 选定两个位置问是否可以互相到达




using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int MAXN = 2515;
ll f[MAXN][MAXN]; void update(int x, int y, ll z) {
while(x < MAXN) {
int j = y;
while(j < MAXN) {
f[x][j] += z;
j += j & -j;
x += x & -x;
} ll query(int x, int y) {
ll sum = 0;
while(x) {
int j = y;
while(j) {
sum += f[x][j];
j -= j & -j;
x -= x & -x;
return sum;
} map<array<int, 4>, ll> mp; int main() {
ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0);
int n, m, q;
cin >> n >> m >> q;
while(q--) {
int t, a, b, c, d;
cin >> t >> a >> b >> c >> d;
if(t == 1) {
ll tmp = 1LL * rand() * rand();
mp[{a, b, c, d}] = tmp;
update(a, b, tmp);
update(c + 1, d + 1, tmp);
update(c + 1, b, -tmp);
update(a, d + 1, -tmp);
} else if(t == 2) {
ll tmp = mp[{a, b, c, d}];
mp[{a, b, c, d}] = 0;
update(a, b, -tmp);
update(c + 1, d + 1, -tmp);
update(c + 1, b, tmp);
update(a, d + 1, tmp);
} else {
ll t1 = query(a, b);
ll t2 = query(c, d);
if(t1 != t2) cout << "No\n";
else cout << "Yes\n";
return 0;

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