1. 背景
2. 流程
3. 代码实现
(1) 基于文本(格式为每行一条视频名称),结合AC双数组,构建分词
package com.test.model.act; import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.test.util.IOUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static com.test.model.act.AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap; /**
* @author test
* @date 2018/11/1
public class Act { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Act.class); private static Act instance = null;
private static String path = "act";
private AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie<Resource> act = new AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie<>(); public static Act getInstance() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
if(null == instance){
instance = new Act();
return instance;
} public Act() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
} /**
* AC自动机初始化
* @throws IOException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
private void initTrie() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
if(new File(path).exists()){
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(path);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis()/1000;
logger.info("load act cost: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()/1000 - curTime));
TreeMap<String, Resource> treeMap = new TreeMap<>();
List<String> datas = IOUtil.getPreprocessedData("videoNames.txt");
for(String data : datas){
data = data.trim();
Resource resource = new Resource(data);
treeMap.put(data, resource);
long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis()/1000;
logger.info("build act cost: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()/1000 - curTime)); curTime = System.currentTimeMillis()/1000;
act.save(new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path)));
logger.info("save act cost: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()/1000 - curTime));
} /**
* AC字段树最长匹配分词
* @param queryText
* @return
public List<Term<Resource>> parse(String queryText){
final List<Term<Resource>> terms = Lists.newArrayList();
act.parseText(queryText, new AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie.IHit<Resource>(){
public void hit(int begin, int end, Resource value) {
Iterator<Term<Resource>> iterator = terms.iterator();
int length = end - begin;
boolean isSubStr = false;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Term<Resource> current = iterator.next();
// 相交且小于当前,移除
if (current.end >= begin && length > current.getLength()) {
isSubStr = true;
terms.add(new Term<Resource>(begin, end, value));
return terms;
} public List<String> neatSplitResult(List<Term<Resource>> terms){
List<String> dupResults = Lists.newArrayList();
for(int j = terms.size() - 1; j > 0; j --){
String termJ = terms.get(j).getValue().getValue();
dupResults.add(terms.get(0).getValue().getValue()); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList();
for(int j = dupResults.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--){
return results;
(2) 引用的AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie
package com.test.model.act; import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; /**
* An implementation of Aho Corasick algorithm based on Double Array Trie
* @author hankcs
public class AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie<V> implements Serializable {
* check array of the Double Array Trie structure
protected int check[];
* base array of the Double Array Trie structure
protected int base[];
* fail table of the Aho Corasick automata
protected int fail[];
* output table of the Aho Corasick automata
protected int[][] output;
* outer value array
protected V[] v; /**
* the length of every key
protected int[] l; /**
* the size of base and check array
protected int size; /**
* Parse text
* @param text The text
* @return a list of outputs
public List<Hit<V>> parseText(String text) {
int position = 1;
int currentState = 0;
List<Hit<V>> collectedEmits = new LinkedList<Hit<V>>();
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) {
currentState = getState(currentState, text.charAt(i));
storeEmits(position, currentState, collectedEmits);
} return collectedEmits;
} /**
* Parse text
* @param text The text
* @param processor A processor which handles the output
public void parseText(String text, IHit<V> processor) {
int position = 1;
int currentState = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) {
currentState = getState(currentState, text.charAt(i));
int[] hitArray = output[currentState];
if (hitArray != null) {
for (int hit : hitArray) {
processor.hit(position - l[hit], position, v[hit]);
} /**
* Parse text
* @param text The text
* @param processor A processor which handles the output
public void parseText(String text, IHitCancellable<V> processor) {
int currentState = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
final int position = i + 1;
currentState = getState(currentState, text.charAt(i));
int[] hitArray = output[currentState];
if (hitArray != null) {
for (int hit : hitArray) {
boolean proceed = processor.hit(position - l[hit], position, v[hit]);
if (!proceed) {
} /**
* Parse text
* @param text The text
* @param processor A processor which handles the output
public void parseText(char[] text, IHit<V> processor) {
int position = 1;
int currentState = 0;
for (char c : text) {
currentState = getState(currentState, c);
int[] hitArray = output[currentState];
if (hitArray != null) {
for (int hit : hitArray) {
processor.hit(position - l[hit], position, v[hit]);
} /**
* Parse text
* @param text The text
* @param processor A processor which handles the output
public void parseText(char[] text, IHitFull<V> processor) {
int position = 1;
int currentState = 0;
for (char c : text) {
currentState = getState(currentState, c);
int[] hitArray = output[currentState];
if (hitArray != null) {
for (int hit : hitArray) {
processor.hit(position - l[hit], position, v[hit], hit);
} /**
* Save
* @param out An ObjectOutputStream object
* @throws IOException Some IOException
public void save(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
} /**
* Load
* @param in An ObjectInputStream object
* @throws IOException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
public void load(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
base = (int[]) in.readObject();
check = (int[]) in.readObject();
fail = (int[]) in.readObject();
output = (int[][]) in.readObject();
l = (int[]) in.readObject();
v = (V[]) in.readObject();
} /**
* Get value by a String key, just like a map.get() method
* @param key The key
* @return
public V get(String key) {
int index = exactMatchSearch(key);
if (index >= 0) {
return v[index];
} return null;
} /**
* Pick the value by index in value array <br>
* Notice that to be more efficiently, this method DONOT check the parameter
* @param index The index
* @return The value
public V get(int index) {
return v[index];
} /**
* Processor handles the output when hit a keyword
public interface IHit<V> {
* Hit a keyword, you can use some code like text.substring(begin, end) to get the keyword
* @param begin the beginning index, inclusive.
* @param end the ending index, exclusive.
* @param value the value assigned to the keyword
void hit(int begin, int end, V value);
} /**
* Processor handles the output when hit a keyword, with more detail
public interface IHitFull<V> {
* Hit a keyword, you can use some code like text.substring(begin, end) to get the keyword
* @param begin the beginning index, inclusive.
* @param end the ending index, exclusive.
* @param value the value assigned to the keyword
* @param index the index of the value assigned to the keyword, you can use the integer as a perfect hash value
void hit(int begin, int end, V value, int index);
} /**
* Callback that allows to cancel the search process.
public interface IHitCancellable<V> {
* Hit a keyword, you can use some code like text.substring(begin, end) to get the keyword
* @param begin the beginning index, inclusive.
* @param end the ending index, exclusive.
* @param value the value assigned to the keyword
* @return Return true for continuing the search and false for stopping it.
boolean hit(int begin, int end, V value);
} /**
* A result output
* @param <V> the value type
public class Hit<V> {
* the beginning index, inclusive.
public final int begin;
* the ending index, exclusive.
public final int end;
* the value assigned to the keyword
public final V value; public Hit(int begin, int end, V value) {
this.begin = begin;
this.end = end;
this.value = value;
} @Override
public String toString() {
return String.format("[%d:%d]=%s", begin, end, value);
} /**
* transmit state, supports failure function
* @param currentState
* @param character
* @return
private int getState(int currentState, char character) {
// 先按success跳转
int newCurrentState = transitionWithRoot(currentState, character);
// 跳转失败的话,按failure跳转
while (newCurrentState == -1)
currentState = fail[currentState];
newCurrentState = transitionWithRoot(currentState, character);
return newCurrentState;
} /**
* store output
* @param position
* @param currentState
* @param collectedEmits
private void storeEmits(int position, int currentState, List<Hit<V>> collectedEmits) {
int[] hitArray = output[currentState];
if (hitArray != null) {
for (int hit : hitArray) {
collectedEmits.add(new Hit<V>(position - l[hit], position, v[hit]));
} /**
* transition of a state
* @param current
* @param c
* @return
protected int transition(int current, char c) {
int b = current;
int p; p = b + c + 1;
if (b == check[p]) {
b = base[p]; } else {
return -1;
p = b;
return p;
} /**
* transition of a state, if the state is root and it failed, then returns the root
* @param nodePos
* @param c
* @return
protected int transitionWithRoot(int nodePos, char c) {
int b = base[nodePos];
int p; p = b + c + 1;
if (b != check[p]) {
if (nodePos == 0) {
return 0;
return -1;
} return p;
} /**
* Build a AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie from a map
* @param map a map containing key-value pairs
public void build(Map<String, V> map) {
new Builder().build(map);
} /**
* match exactly by a key
* @param key the key
* @return the index of the key, you can use it as a perfect hash function
public int exactMatchSearch(String key) {
return exactMatchSearch(key, 0, 0, 0);
} /**
* match exactly by a key
* @param key
* @param pos
* @param len
* @param nodePos
* @return
private int exactMatchSearch(String key, int pos, int len, int nodePos) {
if (len <= 0){
len = key.length();
if (nodePos <= 0){
nodePos = 0;
} int result = -1; char[] keyChars = key.toCharArray(); int b = base[nodePos];
int p; for (int i = pos; i < len; i++) {
p = b + (int) (keyChars[i]) + 1;
if (b == check[p]) {
b = base[p];
} else {
return result;
} p = b;
int n = base[p];
if (b == check[p] && n < 0) {
result = -n - 1;
return result;
} /**
* match exactly by a key
* @param keyChars the char array of the key
* @param pos the begin index of char array
* @param len the length of the key
* @param nodePos the starting position of the node for searching
* @return the value index of the key, minus indicates null
private int exactMatchSearch(char[] keyChars, int pos, int len, int nodePos) {
int result = -1; int b = base[nodePos];
int p; for (int i = pos; i < len; i++) {
p = b + (int) (keyChars[i]) + 1;
if (b == check[p]){
b = base[p];
} else {
return result;
} p = b;
int n = base[p];
if (b == check[p] && n < 0) {
result = -n - 1;
return result;
} /**
* Get the size of the keywords
* @return
public int size() {
return v.length;
} /**
* A builder to build the AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie
private class Builder {
* the root state of trie
private State rootState = new State();
* whether the position has been used
private boolean used[];
* the allocSize of the dynamic array
private int allocSize;
* a parameter controls the memory growth speed of the dynamic array
private int progress;
* the next position to check unused memory
private int nextCheckPos;
* the size of the key-pair sets
private int keySize; /**
* Build from a map
* @param map a map containing key-value pairs
public void build(Map<String, V> map) {
// 把值保存下来
v = (V[]) map.values().toArray();
l = new int[v.length];
Set<String> keySet = map.keySet();
// 构建二分trie树
// 在二分trie树的基础上构建双数组trie树
used = null;
// 构建failure表并且合并output表
rootState = null;
} /**
* fetch siblings of a parent node
* @param parent parent node
* @param siblings parent node's child nodes, i . e . the siblings
* @return the amount of the siblings
private int fetch(State parent, List<Map.Entry<Integer, State>> siblings) {
if (parent.isAcceptable()) {
State fakeNode = new State(-(parent.getDepth() + 1)); // 此节点是parent的子节点,同时具备parent的输出
siblings.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, State>(0, fakeNode));
for (Map.Entry<Character, State> entry : parent.getSuccess().entrySet()) {
siblings.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, State>(entry.getKey() + 1, entry.getValue()));
return siblings.size();
} /**
* add a keyword
* @param keyword a keyword
* @param index the index of the keyword
private void addKeyword(String keyword, int index) {
State currentState = this.rootState;
for (Character character : keyword.toCharArray()) {
currentState = currentState.addState(character);
l[index] = keyword.length();
} /**
* add a collection of keywords
* @param keywordSet the collection holding keywords
private void addAllKeyword(Collection<String> keywordSet) {
int i = 0;
for (String keyword : keywordSet) {
addKeyword(keyword, i++);
} /**
* construct failure table
private void constructFailureStates() {
fail = new int[size + 1];
fail[1] = base[0];
output = new int[size + 1][];
Queue<State> queue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<State>(); // 第一步,将深度为1的节点的failure设为根节点
for (State depthOneState : this.rootState.getStates()) {
depthOneState.setFailure(this.rootState, fail);
} // 第二步,为深度 > 1 的节点建立failure表,这是一个bfs
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
State currentState = queue.remove(); for (Character transition : currentState.getTransitions()) {
State targetState = currentState.nextState(transition);
queue.add(targetState); State traceFailureState = currentState.failure();
while (traceFailureState.nextState(transition) == null) {
traceFailureState = traceFailureState.failure();
State newFailureState = traceFailureState.nextState(transition);
targetState.setFailure(newFailureState, fail);
} /**
* construct output table
private void constructOutput(State targetState) {
Collection<Integer> emit = targetState.emit();
if (emit == null || emit.size() == 0) {
int output[] = new int[emit.size()];
Iterator<Integer> it = emit.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < output.length; ++i) {
output[i] = it.next();
AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie.this.output[targetState.getIndex()] = output;
} private void buildDoubleArrayTrie(int keySize) {
progress = 0;
this.keySize = keySize;
resize(65536 * 32); // 32个双字节 base[0] = 1;
nextCheckPos = 0; State root_node = this.rootState; List<Map.Entry<Integer, State>> siblings = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Integer, State>>(root_node.getSuccess().entrySet().size());
fetch(root_node, siblings);
} /**
* allocate the memory of the dynamic array
* @param newSize
* @return
private int resize(int newSize) {
int[] base2 = new int[newSize];
int[] check2 = new int[newSize];
boolean used2[] = new boolean[newSize];
if (allocSize > 0) {
System.arraycopy(base, 0, base2, 0, allocSize);
System.arraycopy(check, 0, check2, 0, allocSize);
System.arraycopy(used, 0, used2, 0, allocSize);
} base = base2;
check = check2;
used = used2; return allocSize = newSize;
} /**
* insert the siblings to double array trie
* @param siblings the siblings being inserted
* @return the position to insert them
private int insert(List<Map.Entry<Integer, State>> siblings) {
int begin = 0;
int pos = Math.max(siblings.get(0).getKey() + 1, nextCheckPos) - 1;
int nonzero_num = 0;
int first = 0; if (allocSize <= pos){
resize(pos + 1);
} outer:
// 此循环体的目标是找出满足base[begin + a1...an] == 0的n个空闲空间,a1...an是siblings中的n个节点
while (true) {
pos++; if (allocSize <= pos){
resize(pos + 1);
} if (check[pos] != 0) {
} else if (first == 0) {
nextCheckPos = pos;
first = 1;
} // 当前位置离第一个兄弟节点的距离
begin = pos - siblings.get(0).getKey();
if (allocSize <= (begin + siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).getKey())) {
// progress can be zero // 防止progress产生除零错误
double l = (1.05 > 1.0 * keySize / (progress + 1)) ? 1.05 : 1.0 * keySize / (progress + 1);
resize((int) (allocSize * l));
} if (used[begin]){
} for (int i = 1; i < siblings.size(); i++){
if (check[begin + siblings.get(i).getKey()] != 0){
continue outer;
} // -- Simple heuristics --
// if the percentage of non-empty contents in check between the
// index
// 'next_check_pos' and 'check' is greater than some constant value
// (e.g. 0.9),
// new 'next_check_pos' index is written by 'check'.
if (1.0 * nonzero_num / (pos - nextCheckPos + 1) >= 0.95){
// 从位置 next_check_pos 开始到 pos 间,如果已占用的空间在95%以上,下次插入节点时,直接从 pos 位置处开始查找
nextCheckPos = pos;
used[begin] = true; size = (size > begin + siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).getKey() + 1) ? size : begin + siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).getKey() + 1; for (Map.Entry<Integer, State> sibling : siblings) {
check[begin + sibling.getKey()] = begin;
} for (Map.Entry<Integer, State> sibling : siblings) {
List<Map.Entry<Integer, State>> new_siblings = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Integer, State>>(sibling.getValue().getSuccess().entrySet().size() + 1); // 一个词的终止且不为其他词的前缀,其实就是叶子节点
if (fetch(sibling.getValue(), new_siblings) == 0) {
base[begin + sibling.getKey()] = (-sibling.getValue().getLargestValueId() - 1);
} else {
// dfs
int h = insert(new_siblings);
base[begin + sibling.getKey()] = h;
sibling.getValue().setIndex(begin + sibling.getKey());
return begin;
} /**
* free the unnecessary memory
private void loseWeight() {
int nbase[] = new int[size + 65535];
System.arraycopy(base, 0, nbase, 0, size);
base = nbase; int ncheck[] = new int[size + 65535];
System.arraycopy(check, 0, ncheck, 0, size);
check = ncheck;
} public static class Term<T> {
public int start;
public int end;
public T value; public Term(int start, int end, T value) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.value = value;
} public int getLength() {
return end - start;
} public int getStart() {
return start;
} public void setStart(int start) {
this.start = start;
} public int getEnd() {
return end;
} public void setEnd(int end) {
this.end = end;
} public T getValue() {
return value;
} public void setValue(T value) {
this.value = value;
} public static class Resource implements Serializable{
String value;
String rawData; public Resource(String value) {
this.value = value;
} public Resource(String value, String rawData) {
this.value = value;
this.rawData = rawData;
} public String getValue() {
return value;
} public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
} public String getRawData() {
return rawData;
} public void setRawData(String rawData) {
this.rawData = rawData;
} @Override
public String toString() {
return "Resource{" +
"value='" + value + '\'' +
", rawData='" + rawData + '\'' +
(3) 引用的State
package com.test.model.act; import java.util.*; /**
* <p>
* 一个状态有如下几个功能
* </p>
* <p/>
* <ul>
* <li>success; 成功转移到另一个状态</li>
* <li>failure; 不可顺着字符串跳转的话,则跳转到一个浅一点的节点</li>
* <li>emits; 命中一个模式串</li>
* </ul>
* <p/>
* <p>
* 根节点稍有不同,根节点没有 failure 功能,它的“failure”指的是按照字符串路径转移到下一个状态。其他节点则都有failure状态。
* </p>
* @author Robert Bor
public class State { /**
* 模式串的长度,也是这个状态的深度
protected final int depth; protected Character character; /**
* fail 函数,如果没有匹配到,则跳转到此状态。
private State failure = null; /**
* 只要这个状态可达,则记录模式串
private Set<Integer> emits = null;
* goto 表,也称转移函数。根据字符串的下一个字符转移到下一个状态
private Map<Character, State> success = new TreeMap<Character, State>(); /**
* 在双数组中的对应下标
private int index; /**
* 构造深度为0的节点
public State() {
} /**
* 构造深度为depth的节点
* @param depth
public State(int depth) {
this.depth = depth;
} /**
* 获取节点深度
* @return
public int getDepth() {
return this.depth;
} /**
* 添加一个匹配到的模式串(这个状态对应着这个模式串)
* @param keyword
public void addEmit(int keyword) {
if (this.emits == null) {
this.emits = new TreeSet<Integer>(Collections.reverseOrder());
} /**
* 获取最大的值
* @return
public Integer getLargestValueId() {
if (emits == null || emits.size() == 0) {
return null;
} return emits.iterator().next();
} /**
* 添加一些匹配到的模式串
* @param emits
public void addEmit(Collection<Integer> emits) {
for (int emit : emits) {
} /**
* 获取这个节点代表的模式串(们)
* @return
public Collection<Integer> emit() {
return this.emits == null ? Collections.<Integer>emptyList() : this.emits;
} /**
* 是否是终止状态
* @return
public boolean isAcceptable() {
return this.depth > 0 && this.emits != null;
} /**
* 获取failure状态
* @return
public State failure() {
return this.failure;
} /**
* 设置failure状态
* @param failState
public void setFailure(State failState, int fail[]) {
this.failure = failState;
fail[index] = failState.index;
} /**
* 转移到下一个状态
* @param character 希望按此字符转移
* @param ignoreRootState 是否忽略根节点,如果是根节点自己调用则应该是true,否则为false
* @return 转移结果
private State nextState(Character character, boolean ignoreRootState) {
State nextState = this.success.get(character);
if (!ignoreRootState && nextState == null && this.depth == 0) {
nextState = this;
return nextState;
} /**
* 按照character转移,根节点转移失败会返回自己(永远不会返回null)
* @param character
* @return
public State nextState(Character character) {
return nextState(character, false);
} /**
* 按照character转移,任何节点转移失败会返回null
* @param character
* @return
public State nextStateIgnoreRootState(Character character) {
return nextState(character, true);
} public State addState(Character character) {
State nextState = nextStateIgnoreRootState(character);
if (nextState == null) {
nextState = new State(this.depth + 1);
this.success.put(character, nextState);
return nextState;
} public Collection<State> getStates() {
return this.success.values();
} public Collection<Character> getTransitions() {
return this.success.keySet();
} @Override
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("State{");
sb.append(", ID=").append(index);
sb.append(", emits=").append(emits);
sb.append(", success=").append(success.keySet());
sb.append(", failureID=").append(failure == null ? "-1" : failure.index);
sb.append(", failure=").append(failure);
return sb.toString();
} /**
* 获取goto表
* @return
public Map<Character, State> getSuccess() {
return success;
} public int getIndex() {
return index;
} public void setIndex(int index) {
this.index = index;
4. 提取效果
(1) 原始百度QA,部分截图如图所示:
(2) 提取的结果
- 使用Java POI来选择提取Word文档中的表格信息
通过使用Java POI来提取Word(1992)文档中的表格信息,其中POI支持不同的ms文档类型,在具体操作中需要注意.本文主要是通过POI来提取微软2003文档中的表格信息,具体code如下(事 ...
- WIRESHARK 提取百度云客户端中的下载地址
序言:近两年感觉云盘是越来越不行了,什么115,360,华为,新浪一些网盘纷纷关门,现在手里能用的就只剩下一个百度云坚挺着.可那速度,简直感人,好吧,没钱冲VIP,就去找了一个破解版,用了一年,爽得飞 ...
- C# 提取Word文档中的图片
C# 提取Word文档中的图片 图片和文字是word文档中两种最常见的对象,在微软word中,如果我们想要提取出一个文档内的图片,只需要右击图片选择另存为然后命名保存就可以了,今天这篇文章主要是实现使 ...
- php提取淘宝URL中ID的代码
一段可以提取淘宝URL中ID的PHP代码. 例如: <?php $taobao = 'taobao.com'; $tmall = 'tmall.com'; $guojitmall = 'tmal ...
- PHP 提取图片img标记中的任意属性
PHP 提取图片img标记中的任意属性的简单实例. 复制代码代码如下: <?php /* PHP正则提取图片img标记中的任意属性 */ $str = '<center><im ...
- SQL Server 2008空间数据应用系列十一:提取MapInfo地图数据中的空间数据解决方案
原文:SQL Server 2008空间数据应用系列十一:提取MapInfo地图数据中的空间数据解决方案 友情提示,您阅读本篇博文的先决条件如下: 1.本文示例基于Microsoft SQL Serv ...
- 百度搜索URL中的参数都是什么
最近,点石排名更新了一个新功能——站内搜索.其实理解起来也很简单,就是通过URL限定搜索结果为某个网站,从而参与点击(例如:https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=SEO&si= ...
- VBA/VBScript提取Word(*.doc)文件中包含的图片(照片)
VBA/VBScript提取Word(*.doc)文件中包含的图片(照片) 要处理的人事简历表是典型的Word文档,其中一人一份doc,里面包含有个人的照片,如果要把里面的照片复制出来就比较麻烦了 ...
- 使用 python 提取照片中的手机信息
使用 python 提取照片中的手机信息 最近在做一个项目,有一个很重要的点是需要获取使用用户的手机信息,这里我选择从照片中获取信息.有人会问为什么不从手机里面直接获取设备信息.由于现在android ...
- SQL server T-SQL存储过程
简介 存储过程是由一些SQL语句和控制语句组成的被封装起来的过程,它驻留在数据库中,可以被客户应用程序调用,也可以从另一个过程或触发器调用.它的参数可以被传递和返回.与应用程序中的函数过程类似,存储过 ...
- go的Type switch是一个switch语句么?
相信这样的语句在go中大家见的很多 switch t := arg.(type) { default: fmt.Printf("unexpected type %T\n", t) ...
- 在成员函数中调用虚函数(关于多态的注意事项)------新标准c++程序设计
类的成员函数之间可以互相调用.在成员函数(静态成员函数.构造函数和析构函数除外)中调用其他虚成员函数的语句是多态的.例如: #include<iostream> using namespa ...
- PLSQL Developer连接远程Oracle
注:内容来网络 (一)不安装客户端的解决办法. 第一种方法: 1.在安装ORACLE服务器的机器上搜索下列文件, oci.dll ocijdbc10.dll ociw32.dll orannzsbb1 ...
- golang并发练习代码笔记
golang语言的精髓就是它的并发机制,十分简单,并且极少数在语言层面实现并发机制的语言,golang被成为网络时代的c语言,golang的缔造者也有c语言的缔造者,Go语言是google 推出的一门 ...
- 公司拷贝回家的工程用sts导入clean package报错java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
从公司拷贝工程回家加班,用相同版本的sts和jdk但是run as maven build clean package 总是报错java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ...
- Python——requests的安装及入门-贴吧爬虫
一.windows平台下requests的安装 1.win+R,输入cmd,打开命令行窗口,输入命令:pip install requests ,即可自动安装库成功 2.输入命令:pip list,即 ...
- c语言数据结构学习心得——排序
排序:将无序的序列重新排列为有序的序列. 插入类排序 插入类排序:在一个有序的序列中,插入一个新的关键字,知道所有的关键字都插入形成一个有序的序列. 直接插入排序:首先以一个元素为有序的序列,然后将后 ...
- 自定义内核启动后的Logo
1.使用图像GIMP工具 2.详细步骤如下: A.将800x480的图片导入到GIMP工具. B.选中GIMP菜单栏进行以下操作 图像 -->模式 ...
- Qt 学习之路 2(54):剪贴板
Qt 学习之路 2(54):剪贴板 豆子 2013年6月8日 Qt 学习之路 2 2条评论 剪贴板的操作经常和前面所说的拖放技术在一起使用.大家对剪贴板都很熟悉.我们可以简单地把它理解成一个数据存储池 ...