web api history and how does it work? 这个是重点
A couple of weeks ago (around Feb. 16), the WCF WebAPIs - a framework for building RESTful/Hypermedia/HTTP services, which was in development over the past 1.5 years as a side-project on CodePlex, has been formally integrated into ASP.NET and its name changed to the ASP.NET Web API.
These past two weeks, there have been a lot of questions among WCF developers: What does it mean that the Web APIs are no longer a part of WCF – is WCF dead? Has SOAP gone bankrupt? is HTTP the new way to go for interoperability?
To get a better understanding of what happened and what is the way to go, we need to answer a couple of questions:
- What is the purpose of the WebAPIs?
- Why do we need REST HTTP services? What’s wrong with SOAP-over-HTTP?
- Why did the WebAPIs move from WCF to ASP.NET MVC?
- Is there still use for WCF? When should I choose Web APIs over WCF? web api history and how does it work?的更多相关文章
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