- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- @interface Person : NSObject
- {
- NSString *_name;
- NSInteger _age;
- Person *_wife;
- }
- @end
- #import "ViewController.h"
- #import "Person.h"
- @interface ViewController ()
- @end
- @implementation ViewController
- - (void)viewDidLoad {
- [super viewDidLoad];
- //创建对象
- Person *person = [[Person alloc]init];
- //使用KVC来存储对象的数据成员
- [person setValue:@"Tom" forKey:@"_name"];
- [person setValue:@ forKey:@"_age"];
- NSLog(@"person:%@",person);
- //取对象的数据成员
- NSString *name = [person valueForKey:@"_name"];
- NSInteger age = [[person valueForKey:@"_age"]integerValue];
- NSLog(@"KVC方式存取:name:%@,age:%ld",name,age);
- }
- @end
- #import "Person.h"
- @implementation Person
- -(NSString *)description
- {
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"name:%@,age:%ld",_name,_age];
- }
- @end
- Book类的.h文件
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- @interface Book : NSObject
- @property(copy,nonatomic)NSString *bookName;
- @end
- Book类的.m文件
- #import "Book.h"
- @implementation Book
- -(NSString *)description
- {
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",_bookName];
- }
- @end
- Person类的.h文件
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- @class Book;
- @interface Person : NSObject
- @property(copy,nonatomic)NSString *name;
- @property(assign,nonatomic)NSInteger age;
- @property(strong,nonatomic)Book *book;
- @end
- Person类的.m文件
- #import "Person.h"
- @implementation Person
- -(NSString *)description
- {
- return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"name:%@,age:%ld",_name,_age];
- }
- @end
- #import "ViewController.h"
- #import "Book.h"
- #import "Person.h"
- @interface ViewController ()
- @end
- @implementation ViewController
- - (void)viewDidLoad {
- [super viewDidLoad];
- Person *p1 = [[Person alloc]init];
- [p1 setValue:@"Tom" forKey:@"name"];
- [p1 setValue:@ forKey:@"age"];
- Book *book1 = [[Book alloc]init];
- book1.bookName = @"iPhone";
- = book1;
- Person *p2 = [[Person alloc]init];
- [p2 setValue:@"Jerry" forKey:@"name"];
- [p2 setValue:@ forKey:@"age"];
- Book *book2 = [[Book alloc]init];
- book2.bookName = @"iOS";
- = book2;
- NSLog(@"%@%@",p1,[p2 valueForKeyPath:@"name"]);
- NSArray *person = @[p1,p2];
- NSLog(@"%@",person);
- NSArray *arrayM = [person valueForKeyPath:@"book.bookName"];
- NSLog(@"%@",arrayM);
- }
- @end
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- @interface Person : NSObject
- {
- NSString *_name;
- }
- @end
- #import "Person.h"
- @implementation Person
- //接受被观察者发生变动后的通知
- -(void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
- {
- NSLog(@"%@,%@,%@,%@",keyPath,object,change,context);
- }
- @end
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- @interface Stock : NSObject
- {
- NSString *_name;
- float _price;
- }
- @end
- #import "ViewController.h"
- #import "Person.h"
- #import "Stock.h"
- @interface ViewController ()
- @property(strong,nonatomic)Person *person;
- @property(strong,nonatomic)Stock *stock;
- @end
- @implementation ViewController
- - (void)viewDidLoad {
- [super viewDidLoad];
- //创建观察者
- self.person = [[Person alloc]init];
- [self.person setValue:@"Tom" forKey:@"_name"];
- //创建股票
- self.stock = [[Stock alloc]init];
- [self.stock setValue:@"sxt" forKey:@"_name"];
- [self.stock setValue:@1.2 forKey:@"_price"];
- //设置观察者
- [self.stock addObserver:self.person forKeyPath:@"_price" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew |NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context:@"add"];
- }
- //单击按钮让股票价格加1
- - (IBAction)buttonClicked:(UIButton *)sender
- {
- float price = [[self.stock valueForKey:@"_price"]floatValue];
- [self.stock setValue:@(price+1.0) forKey:@"_price"];
- }
- -(void)dealloc
- {
- //删除观察者
- [self.stock removeObserver:self.person forKeyPath:@"_price"];
- }
- @end
- iOS---观察者模式之--->KVO
文章结构如下: Why? (为什么要用KVO) What? (KVO是什么) How? ( KVO怎么用) More (更多细节) 原理 自己实现KVO 在我的上一篇文章浅谈 iOS Notifica ...
- Objective-C之KVC、KVO
1,KVC(键值编码) Key Value Coding 1.1在C#中,可以通过字符串反射来获取对象,从而对对象的属性进行读写,Object-C中有同样的实现,通过字符串(属性名词)对对象的属性进 ...
- OS 如何选择delegate、notification、KVO?
原文链接: 前面分别讲了delegate.notification和KVO的实现原理,以及实际使 ...
KVC 键值编码 全称是Key-value coding,翻译成键值编码.它提供了一种使用字符串而不是访问器方法去访问一个对象实例变量的机制. 1.通过key(成员变量的名称)设置 ...
- 11. KVC And KVO
1. KVC And KVO 的认识 KVC/KVO是观察者模式的一种实现 KVC全称是Key-value coding,翻译成键值编码.顾名思义,在某种程度上跟map的关系匪浅.它提供了一种使用 ...
- KVO __ 浅谈
KVO :Key-Value Observing 它提供一种机制,当指定的对象的属性被修改后,则对象就会接受到通知.简单的说就是每次指定的被观察的对象的属性被修改后,KVO就会自动通知相应的观察者了. ...
- iOS开发系列--Objective-C之KVC、KVO
概述 由于ObjC主要基于Smalltalk进行设计,因此它有很多类似于Ruby.Python的动态特性,例如动态类型.动态加载.动态绑定等.今天我们着重介绍ObjC中的键值编码(KVC).键值监听( ...
- delegate、notification、KVO场景差别
delegate: 编译器会给出没有实现代理方法的警告 一对一 使用weak而不是assign,或者vc消失时置为nil 可以传递参数,还可以接收返回值 notification: 编译期无法排错 一 ...
- IOS学习之初识KVO
什么是KVO? KVO(Key-Value Observing)键值观察,是一种通过对对象的某一个属性添加观察者,一旦这个属性值发生变化,就会通知当前观察者的一种机制. 该如何使用? 1.注册,指定被 ...
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指针函数 and 函数指针 指针函数是指带指针的函数,即本质是一个函数.函数都有返回类型(假设不返回值,则为无值型),仅仅只是指针函数返回类型是某一类型的指针. 定义格式 类型名 *函数名(函数參数列 ...
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