[AtCoder Regular Contest 096 E] Everything on It 解题报告 (第二类斯特林数+容斥原理)
Time limit : 4sec / Memory limit : 512MB
Score : 900 points
Problem Statement
In "Takahashi-ya", a ramen restaurant, basically they have one menu: "ramen", but N kinds of toppings are also offered. When a customer orders a bowl of ramen, for each kind of topping, he/she can choose whether to put it on top of his/her ramen or not. There is no limit on the number of toppings, and it is allowed to have all kinds of toppings or no topping at all. That is, considering the combination of the toppings, 2N types of ramen can be ordered.
Akaki entered Takahashi-ya. She is thinking of ordering some bowls of ramen that satisfy both of the following two conditions:
- Do not order multiple bowls of ramen with the exactly same set of toppings.
- Each of the N kinds of toppings is on two or more bowls of ramen ordered.
You are given N and a prime number M. Find the number of the sets of bowls of ramen that satisfy these conditions, disregarding order, modulo M. Since she is in extreme hunger, ordering any number of bowls of ramen is fine.
- 2≤N≤3000
- 10^8≤M≤10^9+9
- N is an integer.
- M is a prime number.
- 600 points will be awarded for passing the test set satisfying N≤50.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
Print the number of the sets of bowls of ramen that satisfy the conditions, disregarding order, modulo M.
Sample Input 1
2 1000000007
Sample Output 1
Let the two kinds of toppings be A and B. Four types of ramen can be ordered: "no toppings", "with A", "with B" and "with A, B". There are two sets of ramen that satisfy the conditions:
- The following three ramen: "with A", "with B", "with A, B".
- Four ramen, one for each type.
Sample Input 2
3 1000000009
Sample Output 2
Let the three kinds of toppings be A, B and C. In addition to the four types of ramen above, four more types of ramen can be ordered, where C is added to the above four. There are 118 sets of ramen that satisfy the conditions, and here are some of them:
- The following three ramen: "with A, B", "with A, C", "with B, C".
- The following five ramen: "no toppings", "with A", "with A, B", "with B, C", "with A, B, C".
- Eight ramen, one for each type.
Note that the set of the following three does not satisfy the condition: "'with A', 'with B', 'with A, B'", because C is not on any of them.
Sample Input 3
50 111111113
Sample Output 3
Remember to print the number of the sets modulo M. Note that these three sample inputs above are included in the test set for the partial score.
Sample Input 4
3000 123456791
Sample Output 4
题目大意:有 N 种调味剂, 现在要做一些拉面, 每碗拉面中可以放入任意种 类的调味剂, 但必须满足没有两碗拉面使用的调味剂集合相同, 且每种调味剂至少出现在两碗拉面中.
求方案数模一个质数.N ≤ 3000.
我们发现拉面是随便多少碗的,考虑容斥。定义调味剂不合法为调味剂只出现了1次或没有出现,ans=(0个调味剂不合法,其他任意) - (1个调味剂不合法,其他任意) + (2个调味剂不合法,其他任意)…………
考虑放在j碗面里总共有 2(n-i) 种放的状态,一共j碗面,方案数就是2(n−i)j
值得注意的是,我们在计算2(2^(n-i)) 的时候,作为指数的(2^(n-i))取模并不是模上mod,而是模上mod-1,也就是mod的欧拉函数值(欧拉定理)
#define ll long long
using namespace std; const int maxn=3e3+;
ll n,mod;
ll g[maxn][maxn],c[maxn][maxn];
ll mul(ll a,ll b,ll p)
ll r=;
for (;b;b>>=,a=(a+a)%p) if (b&) r=(r+a)%p;
return r;
ll qpow(ll a,ll b,ll p)
ll r=;
for (;b;b>>=,a=mul(a,a,p)) if (b&) r=mul(r,a,p);
return r;
int main()
for (int i=;i<=n;i++)
for (int j=;j<i;j++)
for (int i=;i<=n;i++)
for (int j=;j<=i;j++)
ll ans=;
for (int i=;i<=n;i++)
ll k=c[n][i];
if (i&) k=(mod-k)%mod;
ll x=qpow(,n-i,mod-);//欧拉定理,注意模数
ll kind=qpow(,n-i,mod);
ll cnt=,y=;
for (int j=;j<=i;j++)
return ;
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