
    • To set up debugging for pages
      1. Log into the server that is running the AOS.
      2. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Server Configuration).
      3. Create a new configuration that allows debugging.

      a. Click Manage and then click Create configuration. In
      the Create Configuration window, name the new configuration, such as "DAX
      Debugging". Click OK.
      b. On the Application Object
      Server tab, select Enable breakpoints to debug code X++ code running on this
      server. Click Apply.

      4. Click OK to close the configuration window. If you receive a message about the AOS, indicate that it should be restarted.
      5. Log in to the server that is running IIS and Enterprise Portal. If the system is remote, you can do this using Terminal Services. From the Start menu, click Run. Type the following in the Open box and click OK:
      mstsc /console
      This opens a console session in Terminal Services.
      6. Enable desktop interaction for the World Wide Web Publish Service.

      a. Open the Services window for the system (Start >
      Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).
      b. Right-click the World Wide Web Publishing
      Service, and then click Properties.
      c. Click the Log On tab.
      d. Select Allow service to interact with desktop.
      e. Click OK to close the properties window.

      7. Open the web.config file located in \Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\\, where is the port number of the site where Enterprise Portal is installed. Modify the file by doing the following:

      a. Locate the compilation element, and then set the
      debug attribute to true. This reduces the chance of the Web session having a
      timeout error when stopped at a breakpoint.
      b. Save
      the changes.

      8. Reset IIS by typing the iisreset command at the command-line window.
      9. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Configuration).
      10. Set the Application Object Server Instance drop-down menu to Business Connector (non-interactive use only).
      11. Create a new configuration that allows debugging.

      a. Click Manage and then click Create configuration. In
      the Create Configuration window, name the new configuration, such as "DAX
      Debugging". Click OK.
      b. On the Developer tab,
      select Enable user breakpoints to debug code running in the Business Connector.
      Click Apply.

      12. Click OK to close the configuration window.
      13. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX client.
      14. On the Tools menu, click Options to display the Options window.
      15. On the Development tab, select When Breakpoint from the Debug mode list box, and then click Apply. This enables debugging mode on the client.
      16. Close the Options window.
      Debugging an Element on a Web Page
      To debug an element on a Web page
      1. Log in to the server that is running Internet Information Services (IIS) and Enterprise Portal. If the system is remote, you can do this using Terminal Services. From the Start menu, click Run. Type the following in the Open box and click OK:
      mstsc /console
      This opens a console session in Terminal Services, and is necessary if you want to debug on a remote system.
      If you are debugging on a remote system, you must use console mode when connecting. Otherwise, debugging will not work.
      2. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX client.
      3. Be sure that you are logged on as a user who is also one of the following:
      · The user who started the session of Microsoft Dynamics AX
      · The user who will set breakpoints in X++ code
      4. In the AOT, locate the element that you want to debug. Typically, you will debug data sets, classes, Web forms, reports, Web reports, or weblets.
      5. Set breakpoints in the X++ code by using the Code Editor. For more information, see X++ Code Editor.
      6. Open the debugger by clicking Tools, then clicking Development tools, and finally clicking Debugger. The Debugger must be open before you can run code that contains breakpoints.
      7. Open the Web page that includes the element that you want to debug. As the page is rendered, the Debugger should stop at the breakpoints that you set.

How to Debug Enterprise Portal Code in Dynamics AX 2009的更多相关文章

  1. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 White Paper: Close Non-Financial Transfers


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