


  • awesome-ios-ui提供了一些UI效果,有动画,有自定义的UI。文件共【96.2Mb】.效果不错,可供大家学习,不建议使用。
  • CarbonKit提供了一个TabSwipeScrollView

  • FlatUIKit提供了一些常用的控件,如UISwitcgh,UISegmentedControl,AlertView 等。

  • Motif提供了轻量级的可定义样式表。


  • MaterialKit提供了非常炫酷的MKButton,MKTextField,MKTableViewCell,MKLabel,MKImageView等,是使用swift写的

[MAThemeKit setupThemeWithPrimaryColor:[MAThemeKit colorWithR:0 G:184 B:156] secondaryColor:[UIColor whiteColor] fontName:@"HelveticaNeue-Light" lightStatusBar:YES];

  • MBProgressHUD一个进度条视图,相信大家都知道,它在后台完成工作后消失,非常实用



  • Chameleon 轻量级且强大的颜色工具,我们可以实用它来设置文本颜色和背景颜色。非常推荐的类库


  • SCLAlertView强烈推荐的提示框,样式非常之多,应该会有你需要的吧,下面截几种



  • REMenu顶部菜单栏,效果挺炫的



  • fmdb强大的第三方数据库操作框架,





  • asi-http-request相信大多数ios开发者都用过吧,不错的网络处理类库,功能齐全




Features are separated into multiple plugins, which can be enabled or disabled, depending on application requirements.

  • Application - displays a list of all installed applications on the device.
  • Bonjour - contains a simple Bonjour server allowing Alpha to work over local Wi-Fi network.
  • Bootstrap - checks for KZBootstrap environments and allows modifying them in real-time.
  • Console - displays console logs (logged by NSLog) inside the application.
  • Event - logs and displays application wide events such as background state transitions and view controller appearances.
  • File - allows browsing the sandboxed file system and previewing common file types, such as images, videos and text.
  • Global - information plugin displays linked frameworks, libraries and classes.
  • Heap - allows inspection of active object instances on ther heap and helps with debugging memory errors.
  • Interface - plugin is a specific plugin and is required to display Alpha menu interface and actions.
  • Keychain - browse items in keychain added by the application.
  • Network - logs network connections made using NSURLSession and NSURLConnection API's.
  • Notification - displays scheduled and fired local notifications, received push notifications and notification permissions.
  • Object - allows for inspection of any class or object in the application, including NSUserDefaults, arrays and dictionaries.
  • Permission - displays current permissions and adds the ability to request specific permission.
  • Remote - plugin allows connecting to Alpha from another device (needs Bonjour running on target).
  • Screenshot - plugin allows taking screenshots of the application with a single action.
  • State - allows inspecting the device state and settings, such as locale, time and available memory.
  • Touch - plugin displays touches on screen when activated and their force touch.
  • View - allows view hierarchy manipulation and inspection in real-time.


  • SDWebImage 支持网络图片的缓存
  • GPUImage 使用GPU来处理图像,效率高,稳定。




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