Requirements of an SAP system administrator
Requirements of an SAP system administrator
- Have a “proper” attitude
- Protect and safeguard the system.
- The system administrator is the “guardian” of the system.
- Be willing to work the hours required to support the system.
- Certain tasks must be done after hours or on weekends to avoid disrupting normal business operations.
- You must also take responsibility for your own training and education, whether your company pays for it or not.
- Be a “team-player.”
With in the SAP system:
- Set up and maintain user accounts and profile
- Security administrator
- Monitor the health of the system
- Maintain the health of the system
- Transport changes from one system to another
- Create and manage the scheduling of batch jobs
- DataBase Administrator (DBA)
External to SAP SYSTEM
- Maintain the database’s health and integrity
- Operating system administrator
- Network administrator
- Supports the user’s desktop PC
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