
After having gone through many project:

  1. Project A
  2. Project B
  3. Project C

I start to write a conclusion it explained how to use mvc template. My effort in this articles series will be to cover some best practice of mvc. We will be gradually moving forward part by part so we can understand and practically implement every scenario.

Road Map

Part1:Introduction to mvc architecture

Part2:Follow me to learn what is repository pattern


Let’s start our journey with Part1

Part1:Introduction to mvc architecture

Topics to be covered

  1. Project architecture
  2. Request pipeline

MVC Project Architeture

The Request pipeline


Now that we know mvc project architecture and mvc request pipeline, in the next part of the series we will talk about how to use expression tree to accomplish dynamic condition search

Follow me to learn how to use mvc template的更多相关文章

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  2. Follow me to learn what is repository pattern

    Introduction Creating a generic repository pattern in an mvc application with entity framework is th ...

  3. ASP.NET MVC Template http://st ...

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  7. [引]ASP.NET MVC 4 Content Map

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