<cctype> (ctype.h)

Character handling functions

This header declares a set of functions to classify and transform individual characters.


These functions take the int equivalent of one character as parameter and return an int that can either be another character or a value representing a boolean value: an int value of 0 means false, and an int value
different from 0represents true.

There are two sets of functions:

Character classification functions

They check whether the character passed as parameter belongs to a certain category:

Check if character is alphanumeric (function )
Check if character is alphabetic (function )
Check if character is blank (function )
Check if character is a control character (function )
Check if character is decimal digit (function )
Check if character has graphical representation (function )
Check if character is lowercase letter (function )
Check if character is printable (function )
Check if character is a punctuation character (function )
Check if character is a white-space (function )
Check if character is uppercase letter (function )
Check if character is hexadecimal digit (function )

Character conversion functions

Two functions that convert between letter cases:

Convert uppercase letter to lowercase (function )
Convert lowercase letter to uppercase (function )

For the first set, here is a map of how the original 127-character ASCII set is considered by each function (an x indicates that the function returns true on that character)

ASCII values characters iscntrl isblank isspace isupper islower isalpha isdigit isxdigit isalnum ispunct isgraph isprint
0x00 .. 0x08 NUL, (other control codes) x                      
0x09 tab ('\t') x x x                  
0x0A .. 0x0D (white-space control codes:'\f','\v','\n','\r') x   x                  
0x0E .. 0x1F (other control codes) x                      
0x20 space (' ')   x x                 x
0x21 .. 0x2F !"#$%&'()*+,-./                   x x x
0x30 .. 0x39 0123456789             x x x   x x
0x3a .. 0x40 :;<=>?@                   x x x
0x41 .. 0x46 ABCDEF       x   x   x x   x x
0x47 .. 0x5A GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ       x   x     x   x x
0x5B .. 0x60 [\]^_`                   x x x
0x61 .. 0x66 abcdef         x x   x x   x x
0x67 .. 0x7A ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz         x x     x   x x
0x7B .. 0x7E {|}~                   x x x
0x7F (DEL) x                      

The characters in the extended character set (above 0x7F) may belong to diverse categories depending on the locale and the platform. As a general rule, ispunctisgraph and isprint return
true on these for the standard C locale on most platforms supporting extended character sets.

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