
public class PageView<T> {
/** 分页数据 **/
private List<T> records;
/** 页码开始索引和结束索引 **/
private PageIndex pageindex;
/** 总页数 **/
private long totalpage = 1;
/** 每页显示记录数 **/
private int maxresult = 10;
/** 当前页 **/
private int currentpage = 1;
/** 总记录数 **/
private long totalrecord;
/** 页码数量 **/
private int pagecode = 7;
/** 要获取记录的开始索引 **/
public int getFirstResult() {
return (this.currentpage-1)*this.maxresult;
public int getPagecode() {
return pagecode;
} public void setPagecode(int pagecode) {
this.pagecode = pagecode;
} public void setQueryResult(List<T> qr){
} public long getTotalrecord() {
return totalrecord;
public void setTotalrecord(long totalrecord) {
this.totalrecord = totalrecord;
setTotalpage(this.totalrecord%this.maxresult==0? this.totalrecord/this.maxresult : this.totalrecord/this.maxresult+1);
public List<T> getRecords() {
return records;
public void setRecords(List<T> records) {
this.records = records;
public PageIndex getPageindex() {
return pageindex;
public long getTotalpage() {
return totalpage;
public void setTotalpage(long totalpage) {
this.totalpage = totalpage;
this.pageindex = PageIndex.getPageIndex(pagecode, currentpage, totalpage);
public int getMaxresult() {
return maxresult;
public int getCurrentpage() {
return currentpage;
public void setMaxresult(int maxresult) {
this.maxresult = maxresult;
public void setCurrentpage(int currentpage) {
this.currentpage = currentpage;
public class PageIndex {
private long startindex;
private long endindex; public PageIndex(long startindex, long endindex) {
this.startindex = startindex;
this.endindex = endindex;
public long getStartindex() {
return startindex;
public void setStartindex(long startindex) {
this.startindex = startindex;
public long getEndindex() {
return endindex;
public void setEndindex(long endindex) {
this.endindex = endindex;
} public static PageIndex getPageIndex(long viewpagecount, int currentPage, long totalpage){
long startpage = currentPage-(viewpagecount%2==0? viewpagecount/2-1 : viewpagecount/2);
long endpage = currentPage+viewpagecount/2;
startpage = 1;
if(totalpage>=viewpagecount) endpage = viewpagecount;
else endpage = totalpage;
endpage = totalpage;
if((endpage-viewpagecount)>0) startpage = endpage-viewpagecount+1;
else startpage = 1;
return new PageIndex(startpage, endpage);
PageDaoSupport.java //这个为参考李刚轻量级JAVA EE那本书
public class PageDaoSupport extends HibernateDaoSupport{
public List findByPage(final String hql, final int offset,
final int pageSize) {
// 通过一个HibernateCallback对象来执行查询
List list = getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
// 实现HibernateCallback接口必须实现的方法
public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
// 执行Hibernate分页查询
List result = session.createQuery(hql).setFirstResult(offset)
return result;
return list;
public class PagingServiceImpl implements PagingService {
private PageDaoSupport pageDaoSupport;
private PageView<ProductInfo> pageView;
private ProductInfoDao productInfoDao;//用来获得表中要显示的记录 public ProductInfoDao getProductInfoDao() {
return productInfoDao;
} public void setProductInfoDao(ProductInfoDao productInfoDao) {
this.productInfoDao = productInfoDao;
} public PageDaoSupport getPageDaoSupport() {
return pageDaoSupport;
} public void setPageDaoSupport(PageDaoSupport pageDaoSupport) {
this.pageDaoSupport = pageDaoSupport;
} public PageView<ProductInfo> getPageView() {
return pageView;
} public void setPageView(PageView<ProductInfo> pageView) {
this.pageView = pageView;
* 首次请求时执行此方法
public PageView<ProductInfo> paging() {
pageView.setQueryResult(pageDaoSupport.findByPage("from ProductInfo",
0, pageView.getMaxresult()));
return pageView;
* 每次更换页码调用此方法
public PageView<ProductInfo> requestPage(String requestPage) {
pageView.setQueryResult(pageDaoSupport.findByPage("from ProductInfo",
pageView.getFirstResult(), pageView.getMaxresult()));
return pageView;




				<div class="pagination">

					<c:if test="${pageView.getCurrentpage()!=1}">
<a href="AdminShowProductAction!requestPage.action?pageNum=${pageView.getCurrentpage()-1}"
</c:if> <c:forEach begin="${pageView.getPageindex().getStartindex()}"
end="${pageView.getPageindex().getEndindex()}" var="x">
<a href="AdminShowProductAction!requestPage.action?pageNum=${x}"
<c:if test="${pageView.getCurrentpage()==x}">class="current"</c:if>>${x}
</c:forEach> <c:if test="${pageView.getCurrentpage()!= pageView.getTotalpage()}">
<a href="AdminShowProductAction!requestPage.action?pageNum=${pageView.getCurrentpage()+ 1}"

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