List 1.1 一个要测试的SimpleParser类

using System;

namespace AOUT.CH1.Examples
    public class SimpleParser
        public int ParseAndSum(string numbers)
                return int.Parse(numbers);
                throw new InvalidOperationException("I can only handle 0 or 1 numbers for now!");

List 1.2 一个用来测试SimpleParser类的简单方法

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using AOUT.CH1.Examples;

namespace AOUT.Ch1.Examples.Tests
    class SimpleParserTests
        public static void TestReturnsZeroWhenEmptyString()
            //use reflection to get the current method's name
            string testName = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;
                SimpleParser p = new SimpleParser();
                int result = p.ParseAndSum(string.Empty);
                    TestUtil.ShowProblem(testName, "Parse and sum should have returned 0 on an empty string");
            catch (Exception e)
                TestUtil.ShowProblem(testName, e.ToString());

List 1.3 利用简单的控制台程序运行测试

using System;

namespace AOUT.Ch1.Examples.Tests
    public class MainClass
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            catch (Exception e)

List 1.4 使用ShowProblem方法的一个更通用的实现

using System;

namespace AOUT.Ch1.Examples.Tests
    public class TestUtil
        public static void ShowProblem(string test,string message )
            string msg = string.Format(@"
", test, message);

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