
var cities = (from p in mylinq.System_Places

          where p.PID == place

          select p).Union(

          from q in mylinq.System_Places

          where q.Parentid==place

          select q




  (from p in System_Places

     where p.PID == 1010

     select p).Concat(

       from q in System_Places

         where q.Parentid==1010

         select q


           from n in System_Places

             where n.Parentid==1010

              select n




  (from c in Bst_System_Places

  select c.CnPlaceName).Intersect(

  from e in Bst_Company_Jobs

  select e.WorkPlace)



  (from e in Bst_Company_Jobs

  select e.WorkPlace).Except(

  from c in Bst_System_Places

  select c.CnPlaceName)



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