

区间求和:如sum [3,10) 需要对19,5,12,26节点求和即可。


 class NumArray {
NumArray(vector<int> nums) {
n = nums.size();
tree.resize(n * ); // 满二叉树
} void buildTree(vector<int>& nums) {
for (int i = n; i < n * ; ++i) {
tree[i] = nums[i - n];
for (int i = n - ; i > ; --i) {
tree[i] = tree[i<<] + tree[i<<|];
} void update(int i, int val) {
tree[i += n] = val;
while (i > ) {
tree[i / ] = tree[i] + tree[i^];
i /= ;
} int sumRange(int i, int j) {
int sum = ;
for (i += n, j += n; i <= j; i /= , j /= ) {
if ((i & ) == ) sum += tree[i++];
if ((j & ) == ) sum += tree[j--];
return sum;
} private:
int n;
vector<int> tree;


Codeforces blog


所有的奇数位置的数字和原数组对应位置的相同,偶数位置是原数组若干位置之和,若干是根据坐标的最低位 Low Bit 来决定的 ( x&-x )

[i, j] 区间和:sum[j]-sum[i-1]

 class NumArray {
NumArray(vector<int>& nums) {
for(int i=;i<nums.size();i++){
} void update(int i, int val) {
int diff = val - data[i];
for(int j=i+;j<bit.size();j+=(j&-j)){
data[i] = val;
} int sumRange(int i, int j) {
return getSum(j+)-getSum(i);
} int getSum(int i){
int res = ;
for(int j=i;j>=;j-=(j&-j)){
return res;
vector<int> data;
vector<int> bit; // 前面补0, 从1开始

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