原文:基于C# WinForms窗体——飞机大战

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Media; // 添加音乐需引入此命名空间
using System.Reflection;
namespace 飞机大战__
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
Random ran = new Random(); // 创建随机对象
PictureBox youxiqtupian = new PictureBox(); // 创建游戏开始图片
Label youxiqu = new Label();// 创建游戏区对象
Label kaiguanqu = new Label();// 创建开关区对象
PictureBox player = new PictureBox();// 创建飞机对象
PictureBox weiqi1 = new PictureBox();// 尾气对象1
PictureBox weiqi2 = new PictureBox(); // 尾气对象2
Timer dijiTimer = new Timer(); // 敌机生成定时器
Timer xiaLuoTimer = new Timer();// 敌机下落定时器
Timer zidanTimer = new Timer(); // 子弹生成定时器
Timer xiangShangTimer = new Timer(); // 子弹向上定时器
SoundPlayer baozhasound = new SoundPlayer(); // 爆炸音乐对象
SoundPlayer jiemiansound = new SoundPlayer(); // 游戏界面音乐对象
int num = 1; // 敌机随机初始飞机名
int num1 = 10; // 飞机移动的数,子弹移动的数
int feng = 0;//分数存储器 Label kaiguan = new Label(); //开关对象
Label defeng = new Label();// 得分对象
Label xuetiao = new Label();//血条对象
List<PictureBox> zdList = new List<PictureBox>();// 存储生成的子弹
List<PictureBox> feijiList = new List<PictureBox>();// 存储飞机和尾气
List<PictureBox> dijiList = new List<PictureBox>();// 存储生成敌机
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Size = new Size(1080, 700);
this.Text = "飞机大战";
this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(80,00,80);
this.Location = new Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width / 2-this.Width/2, Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height / 2-this.Height/2);
// 创建游戏区图片,同样的位置
youxiqtupian.Size = new Size(800, 600);
youxiqtupian.Tag = "jiemianTu";
youxiqtupian.Image = Image.FromFile(@"../../img/youxikaishi.bmp");
youxiqtupian.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
youxiqtupian.Location = new Point(20, 20);
// 创建游戏区
youxiqu.Size = new Size(800, 600);
youxiqu.BackColor = Color.White;
youxiqu.Location = new Point(20, 20);
// 创建开关区
kaiguanqu.Size = new Size(200, 600);
kaiguanqu.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(180, 15, 123);
kaiguanqu.Location = new Point(840, 20);
// 创建飞机对象
playerChuan();// 调用创建方法
dijiTimer.Interval = 1500;
dijiTimer.Tick += DijiTimer_Tick;
// 敌机下落定时器
xiaLuoTimer.Interval = 20;
xiaLuoTimer.Tick += XiaLuoTimer_Tick;
// 子弹生成定时器
zidanTimer.Interval = 150;
zidanTimer.Tick += ZidanTimer_Tick;
// 子弹向上移动
xiangShangTimer.Interval = 10;
xiangShangTimer.Tick += XiangShangTimer_Tick;
baozhasound.SoundLocation = @"../../music/game_over.wav";// 爆炸音乐路径
jiemiansound.SoundLocation = @"../../music/game_music.wav";//界面音乐路径
jiemiansound.PlayLooping(); //游戏界面音乐开启
// 创建飞机尾气 两个
// 尾气对象1
weiqi1.Size = new Size(15,30);
weiqi1.Tag = 0;
weiqi1.Location =new Point(player.Left + player.Width / 2 - weiqi1.Width / 2 - 10,player.Top + player.Height + weiqi1.Height / 2 - 15);
weiqi1.Image = imageList1.Images[0];
weiqi1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
// 尾气对象2
weiqi2.Size = new Size(15, 30);
weiqi2.Tag = 0;
weiqi2.Location = new Point(player.Left + player.Width / 2 + weiqi2.Width / 2 - 5, player.Top + player.Height + weiqi2.Height / 2 - 15);
weiqi2.Image = imageList1.Images[0];
weiqi2.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
Timer weiqiTimer = new Timer();
weiqiTimer.Interval = 10;
weiqiTimer.Tick += WeiqiTimer_Tick;
kaiguan.Size = new Size(150, 30);
kaiguan.Location = new Point(30, 20);
kaiguan.AutoSize = true;
kaiguan.Cursor =Cursors.Hand; //鼠标变为手型
kaiguan.Text = "开始游戏";
kaiguan.Font = new Font("楷体",18);
kaiguan.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(97, 177, 48);
kaiguan.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(191, 143, 243);
kaiguan.Click += Kaiguan_Click1;
// 创建得分对象
defeng.Size = new Size(150, 30);
defeng.Location = new Point(30, 60);
defeng.Text = "得分:" +feng + "分";
defeng.Font = new Font("宋体", 20);
defeng.ForeColor = Color.Yellow;
// 血量字体
Label xlZi = new Label();
xlZi.Size = new Size(150, 30);
xlZi.Location = new Point(30, 90);
xlZi.Text = "飞机血量";
xlZi.Font = new Font("楷体", 20);
xlZi.ForeColor = Color.Red;
// 创建血条对象
xuetiao.Size = new Size(160, 15);
xuetiao.Location = new Point(30, 120);
xuetiao.BackColor = Color.Red;
Label xueTiaodi = new Label();
xueTiaodi.Size = new Size(160,15);
xueTiaodi.Location = new Point(30, 120);
xueTiaodi.BackColor = Color.White;
/*// 在游戏区添加鼠标移动事件
youxiqu.MouseMove += Form1_MouseMove;*/
// 键盘事件
this.KeyDown += Form1_KeyDown; }
private void Kaiguan_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (kaiguan.Text == "开始游戏")
jiemiansound.Stop(); //游戏界面音乐关闭
youxiqtupian.Dispose(); //游戏开始图片消失
dijiTimer.Start(); //敌机生成
zidanTimer.Start();// 子弹生成
xiangShangTimer.Start(); // 子弹上升
kaiguan.BackColor = Color.Red;
kaiguan.ForeColor = Color.White; kaiguan.Text = "暂停游戏";
else if (kaiguan.Text == "暂停游戏")
dijiTimer.Stop(); //敌机暂停生成
zidanTimer.Stop();// 子弹暂停生成
xiangShangTimer.Stop(); // 子弹暂停上升
ziDqing(); //子弹清除
kaiguan.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(191, 143, 243);
kaiguan.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(97, 177, 48);
kaiguan.Text = "开始游戏";
} // 尾气动画
int weiQi1 = 0,weiQi2 = 0; // 存储图片数
private void WeiqiTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ // 尾气1添加图片
weiqi1.Image = imageList1.Images[weiQi1];
if (weiQi1>=imageList1.Images.Count)
weiQi1 = 0;
// 尾气2添加图片
weiqi2.Image = imageList1.Images[weiQi2];
if (weiQi2 >=imageList1.Images.Count)
weiQi2 = 0;
private void Form1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
player.Left = MousePosition.X - this.Left - youxiqu.Left - player.Width / 2;
player.Top = MousePosition.Y - this.Top - youxiqu.Top - player.Height / 2;
}*/ //敌机生成的定时器
private void DijiTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
PictureBox diji = new PictureBox(); // 创建敌机对象
diji.Size = new Size(70, 60);
diji.Tag = "diji";
num = ran.Next(1, 5);
diji.Image = Image.FromFile(@"../../img/diji/Enemy" + num + ".png");
if (num==4)
diji.Size =new Size(100, 80);
diji.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;// 图片自适应大小
diji.Location = new Point(ran.Next(youxiqu.Width - diji.Width), 0); //敌机初始位置
// 敌机下落的定时器
private void XiaLuoTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (Control diji in youxiqu.Controls)
if (diji.Tag.ToString()=="diji")
diji.Top += 5;
if (diji.Top>youxiqu.Height) // 敌机超过游戏区高度
diji.Dispose(); //敌机释放(删除)
xuetiao.Width -= 20;
if (xuetiao.Width<=0)
diJiqing();// 敌机清除
dijiTimer.Stop();// 敌机创建关闭
zidanTimer.Stop();// 子弹创建关闭
if ((MessageBox.Show("游戏结束,你的得分:" + feng, "Game Over", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel) == DialogResult.Retry))
feng = 0;
defeng.Text = "得分" + feng + "分";
xuetiao.Width = 160;
kaiguan.Text = "游戏开始";
dijiTimer.Start(); //敌机生成
zidanTimer.Start();// 子弹生成
xiangShangTimer.Start(); // 子弹上升
playerChuan();// 飞机创建
weiqi1.Location = new Point(player.Left + player.Width / 2 - weiqi1.Width / 2 - 10, player.Top + player.Height + weiqi1.Height / 2 - 15);
weiqi2.Location = new Point(player.Left + player.Width / 2 + weiqi2.Width / 2 - 5, player.Top + player.Height + weiqi2.Height / 2 - 15);
ziDqing(); // 子弹清除
diJiqing(); //敌机清除
foreach (Control player in youxiqu.Controls)
if (player.Tag.ToString() == "player")
{ //敌机碰到飞机
if (diji.Left >= player.Left && diji.Left <= player.Left + player.Width && diji.Top >= player.Top && diji.Top <= player.Top + player.Height)
diJiqing();// 调用清除敌机方法
ziDqing(); // 调用子弹清除方法
zidanTimer.Stop();// 子弹暂停生成
xiangShangTimer.Stop(); // 子弹暂停上升
dijiTimer.Stop();// 敌机生成清除
kaiguan.Text = "游戏开始";
DialogResult jieshukuang = MessageBox.Show("总得分为:" + feng + "分," + "是否重新开始", "游戏结束", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
if (jieshukuang == DialogResult.Retry) // 点击确定按钮
feng = 0;
defeng.Text = "得分" + feng + "分";
xuetiao.Width = 160;
kaiguan.Text = "游戏开始";
dijiTimer.Start(); //敌机生成
zidanTimer.Start();// 子弹生成
xiangShangTimer.Start(); // 子弹上升
playerChuan();// 飞机创建
weiqi1.Location = new Point(player.Left + player.Width / 2 - weiqi1.Width / 2 - 10, player.Top + player.Height + weiqi1.Height / 2 - 15);
weiqi2.Location = new Point(player.Left + player.Width / 2 + weiqi2.Width / 2 - 5, player.Top + player.Height + weiqi2.Height / 2 - 15);
ziDqing(); // 子弹清除
diJiqing(); //敌机清除 }
else if (jieshukuang == DialogResult.Cancel)//点击取消按钮
this.Close();// 关闭窗体
// 子弹生成定时器
private void ZidanTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
PictureBox zidan = new PictureBox();// 创建子弹
zidan.Tag = "zd";
zidan.Size = new Size(8, 30);
zidan.Left = player.Left +player.Width / 2 - zidan.Width / 2;
zidan.Top = player.Top - zidan.Height;
zidan.Image = Image.FromFile(@"../../img/Ammo1.png");
zidan.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; // 图片自适应大小
zdList.Add(zidan); //子弹添加到子弹泛型对象中
} // 子弹向上
private void XiangShangTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (Control zidan in youxiqu.Controls)
if (zidan.Tag.ToString()=="zd") // 获取子弹
zidan.Top -= num1;
if (zidan.Top<0) // 子弹超过游戏区
foreach (Control diji in youxiqu.Controls)
if (diji.Tag.ToString() == "diji") // 获取敌机
// 子弹碰撞敌机
if (zidan.Top >= diji.Top && zidan.Top <= diji.Top + diji.Height && zidan.Left>=diji.Left && zidan.Left<=diji.Left+diji.Width)
zidan.Dispose(); // 子弹清除
diji.Dispose(); // 敌机清除
baozhasound.Play(); // 开启爆炸声
if (diji.Width==100)
feng += 10;
feng += 1;
defeng.Text = "得分:" + feng + "分";
// 创建爆炸对象
PictureBox baozha = new PictureBox();
baozha.Tag = 0;
baozha.Size = new Size(50, 50);
baozha.Image = imageList2.Images[0];
baozha.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; // 图片自适应大小
baozha.Location = new Point(diji.Left + diji.Width / 2 - baozha.Width / 2, diji.Top - diji.Height / 2 + baozha.Height / 2);
// 爆炸定时器
Timer baozhaTimer = new Timer();
baozhaTimer.Tag = baozha;
baozhaTimer.Interval = 10;
baozhaTimer.Tick += BaozhaTimer_Tick; ;
baozhaTimer.Start(); // 爆炸开启
// 爆炸动画
private void BaozhaTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Timer baozhaTimer = sender as Timer;
PictureBox baoZha = baozhaTimer.Tag as PictureBox;
baoZha.Image = imageList2.Images[(int)baoZha.Tag];
baoZha.Tag = (int)baoZha.Tag + 1;
if ((int)baoZha.Tag>31)
private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.A || e.KeyCode == Keys.Left)
player.Left -= num1;
weiqi1.Left -= num1; // 尾气1向左
weiqi2.Left -= num1; // 尾气2向左
if (player.Left == 0)
player.Left = num1;
weiqi1.Left = player.Left + player.Width / 2 - weiqi1.Width / 2 - 10;
weiqi2.Left = player.Left + player.Width / 2 + weiqi2.Width / 2 - 5;
// 飞机向右
if (e.KeyCode==Keys.D || e.KeyCode==Keys.Right)
player.Left += num1;
weiqi1.Left += num1;
weiqi2.Left += num1;
if (player.Left + player.Width >= youxiqu.Width)
player.Left = youxiqu.Width - player.Width;
weiqi1.Left = player.Left + player.Width / 2 - weiqi1.Width / 2 - 10;
weiqi2.Left = player.Left + player.Width / 2 + weiqi2.Width / 2 - 5;
// 飞机向上
if (e.KeyCode==Keys.W|| e.KeyCode==Keys.Up)
player.Top -= num1;
weiqi1.Top -= num1;
weiqi2.Top -= num1;
if (player.Top == 0)
player.Top = num1;
weiqi1.Top = player.Top + player.Height + weiqi1.Height / 2 - 15;
weiqi2.Top = player.Top + player.Height + weiqi2.Height / 2 - 15;
// 飞机向下
if (e.KeyCode==Keys.S || e.KeyCode==Keys.Down)
player.Top += num1;
weiqi1.Top += num1;
weiqi2.Top += num1;
if (player.Top + player.Height + weiqi1.Height >= youxiqu.Height)
player.Top = youxiqu.Height - player.Height - weiqi1.Height;
weiqi1.Top = player.Top + player.Height + weiqi1.Height / 2 - 15;
weiqi2.Top = player.Top + player.Height + weiqi2.Height / 2 - 15;
private void ziDqing()
foreach (PictureBox zidan in zdList)
private void feiJiqing()
foreach (PictureBox feiji in feijiList)
// 敌机消除方法
private void diJiqing()
foreach (PictureBox diji in dijiList)
} private void 关闭ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
} // 飞机创建方法
private void playerChuan()
player.Size = new Size(70, 60);
player.Tag = "player";
player.Left = youxiqu.Width / 2 - player.Width / 2; // 飞机初始位置
player.Top = youxiqu.Height - player.Height - 20;
player.Image = Image.FromFile(@"../../img/RP03.png");
player.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; // 图片自适应大小 }

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